...almost raped

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I was in Mexico, In my uncles house, It was very dark and most people were already asleep. For some reason I was so afraid to go back to my house which was on the other side of the street, so I asked my cousin to go with me to my house because I had a bad feeling and when I did open the door there was a old drunk man there, staring right at me, out of nowhere he walks closer and tells me to shower with me. At that point I was in panic and hid behind my cousin but all I thought about was screaming because I felt physically weak. I hoped that my uncle would come bursting through the door but the old man really wanted to grab me. His eyes were full of desire and it was so gross... My uncle did show up in the end, he ended up punching the man in the face all I could do is run back inside. I felt so weak and terrified that I woke up and couldn't move. I've never experienced a dream like this and it makes me think about those girls/boys that had gotten raped and felt weak to the knees... This is something I hope no one else experiences. There are sick bastards out there. Respect to those unfortunate ones...

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