A foreign land

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I don't know where this place was but it was beautiful. Hills and mountains covered with flowers, beautiful flowers. A volcano, covered with beautiful flowers and trees.. and everyone was coming to this volcano, no one know why but the vibe felt like it was the end of the world. Everyone had some time of bag to survive but it wasn't food or water, it was more like photos, items. I assume things that meant a lot to us. I remember taking my back pack off because it was too heavy and met some friends. They were all happy to see me, but at some point the ground started shaking. We heard thunder but it was not cloudy and then we saw, the volcano, it had smoke. Everyone started panicking and didn't know what to do. I walked back to my brother and grabbed my back pack my first thought is that we needed to leave but everyone had the same idea. It took us a while to move but the volcano was thinking faster, steam started coming out of the volcano and so some people feet burned and some thought fast and climbed onto the metal railing, for some reason climbing to that helped us and so we waited a while till it would cool down and he hurried out. After a while we slowly got away from the volcano and you could see the volcano far away. But as soon as I looked back to stare at it the volcano erupted and the lava was rushing down, I panicked and started running, and everyone else around me started running too. I looked back again and I saw people being washed away from the volcano so I grabbed my moms hand and my brother grabbed my dads and we ran faster making it safe into a house, we were already far away so it didn't catch us. There was a old lady there, and she knew us all, she hugged me and smiled. She was so warm and everything around her looked peaceful, there were birds and there was a near by mountain that was covered and beautiful flowers too. Then I woke up. This dream was amazing but scary at the same time.

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