Phillip, My Love - Philladosia

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(Sorry if I spelt the ship name wrong. Thought I'd try a ship I've never written before so tell me if you like it I guess! I hope you enjoy!)
"Father?" I called into the vacant house, my father was most likely off arguing with the father of my boy. My boy. Phillip Hamilton. Father told me I could choose anyone to marry, but he made it very clear that if it's a Hamilton, it's not an option. So here I went, falling in love with a Hamilton. Dammit Theo, why are you so stupid? If dad ever found our letters he'd flip out. My thoughts were cut short by a familiar voice.
"Yes my dear?" My father called back to me. He entered the room, dressed in his usual outfit, a look of worry crossing his face. "Is everything alright my child?"
"Father..." I sighed "I have to tell you something."
"Yes?" He replied, drawing out the word for much longer than what was necessary.
"I've found a boy I would like to marry." I smiled, rocking back on my heels, nervously pulling at the fabric of my dress.
"Oh!" He smiled, hugging me "congratulations, who is the lucky boy?"
"Well... that's the thing.." I spoke shakily, biting the inside of my cheek.
"Theodosia." He said sternly "Not the Hamilton."
"I love him!!!" I jumped, surprised at the volume my voice came out with.
"You will never see that Hamilton boy again, understand me?"
"No! I love him!"
"Theodosia Burr." He spoke through gritted teeth "I. Said. No. I'm informing Alexander of this immediately."
"No! I don't want Phillip to get in trouble!"
"It's his own fault! Tricking my daughter with his Hamilton charm." He spat the name like it was poison in his mouth. I watched with watery eyes as he walked over to his desk, pulling out a piece of paper and his quill, quickly writing a letter addressed to Phillips father.
A few days later
Father kept me cooped up in my bedroom until he received a letter back from Alexander. When he did, I was sitting at the kitchen table next to him, and watched his eyes widen. To my surprise, his face held a look of grief. I felt my stomach twist.
"Father?" I stuttered "what's going on?"
Without the strength to tell me what had happened, he threw the letter in my direction. I recognized Mr. Hamiltons elegant handwriting as I read the ink bled words, as if they were hit with teardrops.
My apologies for not replying sooner. I write this letter to you from the home I am staying in uptown. My son has passed away. Shot in a duel by George Eaker. I feel the greatest amount of guilt for it was over an argument of my pride, I feared that this would one day happen. I believe that if he were still with us, you and I could put aside our differences and let the two become married. I believe they would've suited one another quite well. I have found the letters my son received from your Theodosia, she writes such tender words. Take care of her.
I felt my heart shatter. Phillip, my love, has died. The same boy with the beautiful eyes and the loud laugh guaranteed to put a smile on the face of whomever was lucky enough to hear it. Phillip, the son of my fathers worst enemy. My boy, my Phillip, has died. And to think I might've gotten my chance to be with him, no longer in secret, if only he had fought a bit harder to stay alive. I wonder if he thought of me in his last moments. I wonder if he would've tried to hold on if I was there. Very selfish thoughts, but I do always wonder.

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