/\/Moving in/\/

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Your walking up the stairs and your holding three boxes your apartment is the last one it was the only one available. as you are walking someone takes two of your boxes "HEY GIVE THAT BA--" you see a handsome man with red hair he was smiling at you "sorry i was helping you!" he chuckles he looked...so cute your blushing a bit "oh sorry yeah im not used to people being kind to me!" you smile he has a slight blush as well. "My name is Josh! whats yours?" you smile and say "Its Y/N"

you got to your apartment "Hey! my and my friend live next door!" you smile "thats cool!" you both walk in unpack and then plop on the couch you turn on the TV south park was on so you left it on. he laughed at every joke and all you were thinking was 'Hes so cute..NO Y/N YOU JUST MET HIM' your blushing a lot and Josh asks "Are you ok?! your bright red!" you snap out of your thoughts "Yeah im j-ju-" you hear a loud knock and someone say "Hello?" you open the door ad see a man with brown hair he is smiling at you "hey! im your neighbor Tyler Jo-" he sees josh and glares "so this is who you were helping!" he was about to say something but you interrupt with "welp im Y/N would you like to come in?" he nods and smiles.

-Time skip-

you say your goodbyes to josh and Tyler and go to sleep and you wake up to hear Tyler singing and Josh hitting two wooden spoons on your table while cooking bacon and eggs with pancakes you ask them "my door was unlocked?" they both nod still drumming and singing. They both set it up. Josh sits next next to you and Tyler sits next to Josh. Your talking about cats and then Tyler says "Hey Y/N we have a band" you look at him and nod "i found out this morning because i recognized your voice because you were singing car raideo? was it that?" he nods "Oh! and i recognized josh's drumming" his face lit up "everyone usually recognizes his voice only...most of them only like him..." you laugh "most of my friends fan girl over you Josh and a bit over Tyler but mostly you" you all smiled and continued about cats

-Time skip-

Tyler went to Jenna's house "Hey Y/N wanna watch a horror movie?" you nod not telling your terrified of horror movies. You decide on The Conjuring there was a jump scare and you curl up into a ball and hug Josh tight you think to yourself 'i think i like him...he wont like me WATEVS' 

/\/Joshes POV :0/\/

Y/N is hugging me i could fell my face heat up i just wanted to kiss her she doesn't like me..."Hey Y/N would you like to go to dinner with me and josh?" i asked her so maybe i could tell her now she nods "when? i checked my watch "IN 30 MINUTES I GOTTA GO GET READY" i ran out as i yelled that to Y/N

A/N SORRY IT WAS SO LONG I DIDNT KNOW WERE TO END IT i hope you enjoid it doe! im gonna go write Part two now!!!  

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