/\/A Party/\/

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A/N Your brother died when you were 13 btw!! srry if sad i just wanted to add a bit of sadness! 

Tyler was gonna throw a party you were invited and you went you were wearing skinny jeans a flap cap and a jacket Tyler was wearing what he was from stressed out. wow so was Josh they were both singing on a little stage Tyler saw you and when the song ended he said "ok so i heard a girl named Y/N sing and she can sing REALLY well so Y/N can you come up here?" 

You slowly go up to him and say "can i sing truce...i can play piano so...yeah.." he nods and you sit down at the piano "u-um the reason why i want to sing this song is because...when i was 13...my brother died....so..if your here B/N i love you..." you start to play and sing everyone looked shocked and some looked like they were gonna cry some did.

"I hope I'm not my only friend. ohh...." you keep singing a lot of people were crying you tear up and tears start to role down you face but you still can sing "Take Pride in what is sure to die..." Everyone starts clapping and you suddenly feel heaps of people hugging you it was the people from the crowd you hug the persons arm that was in front of you... it was josh. 

Tyler wiped his tears "ok...so to make people happy were gonna do Hows of gold!" he sings and everyone cheered Tyler got you up and you both sang it you have been learning there songs after you met them because they were so amazing your both singing. when the song ended josh did some of his singles witch didn't need Josh in it. you entered Joshes bedroom is was cool he walked in and you got scared and almost tripped onto him but he caught "are you ok?" you nod "her...Y/N your a really good singer.." you smile and think about your brother and start to tear up. he hugs you and whispers "its ok..."

the party was over and you went home and went to bed and heard someone come in thinking it was Tyler or Josh you heard a smash and heard a deep voice "FUCK" you ran out and someone came from behind and put a knife to your neck you screamed 3 seconds later josh came in with a pan. He grabbed the guys hand and he scratched out cheek with the knife and knocked him out. 

You called the police an they told you "this man has been wanted for 3 months he has stabbed 6 people only 4 survived the stab so Joshua saved your life" you nod and walk up to josh who was sitting down on the couch you sit with him and you say "i owe you my life..." he hugged you you hug him back. He takes you to his house and he lets you sleep in his bed and he sleeps on the floor.


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