/\/Going On Tour/\/

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Josh and Tyler were going to go on tour you asked to come and they said yes. You packed your things and went. you were starting of in NYC you

 got on the plane and were sat next to Tyler but behind Josh and Josh was next to Jenna. Tyler said "Josh! wanna swap in the air?" Josh nodded. We were in the air and Josh sat next to you and hugged you "i missed you.." you giggle "i was right behind you why would you miss me?" he looked at you with puppy eyes "because i couldn't do this" he kisses you. you smile "aww" he puts his arm around you.

-time skip-

you just landed and got your bags you got onto the tour bus and headed to the stadium you saw millions of fans. you go to the door that lets them enter and what was blocked by security guards you ask to go out and told them who you were they let you out and it had a line of people you say hi to some and josh came out and hugs you from behind and kisses you on the cheek everyone screams and fan girl you go back inside.

-Time skip-

your watching the concert from the sides and Josh gets up and whispers to Tyler something and he nods "ok so Josh wants to play holding on to you for his girlfriend Y/N" your eyes widen. they start the chorus josh winks at you " You are surrounding all my surroundings sounding down the mountain range of my left side brain" you have a huge smile on your face "You are surrounding all my surroundings twisting the kaleidoscope behind both of my eyes, And I'll be holding on to you! and ill be holding on to you!" 

-Time skip-

The song ended and Josh got off the drums you jumped on to the stage. You ran and hugged josh he hugged back  the crowed went nuts and one screamed "YOUR SUCH A CUTE COUPLE" you grab a mic and say "thank you" in a soft voice.

-Time skip-

The concert was over and you go back to the tour bus Tyler had a separate one yet he still rode in Josh's Bus you shrug it off Josh had a huge double bed and there was one single you were planning to sleep in the spar one but Josh said "you can sleep with me!" you blush a lot but you accept.

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