Some old time omegaverse stuff

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A/N: So I decided to write something after hearing some real depressing news this morning. I've had this on my mind for a bit and I hope soon to get back into writing, having a week off school and just lying down doing nothing has allowed my thoughts to run wild again.

Arthur looked up at his mother nervously. She smiled and nodded at the young emerald-eyed boy. Arthur looked over at the blue-eyed hyper alpha child. He was the chief alpha's alpha son. Alfred held his mother's hand as he bounced from foot-to-foot in excitement. Some other adult omegas stared in in jealousy as their own omega children stood with them. Arthur hadn't realised how special the whole thing was at the time, he realised when he was a more mature age. Alfred released his mother's hand and ran over to the small omega as he handed him a flower. Alfred's father had chosen Arthur to be his sons betrothed. The others of the pack had been furious. Their head alpha thought the only omega of the pathetic Kirkland Pack. The Jones Pack was renowned for being powerful and happened to have a very large territory. The neighbouring Kirkland Pack had seen better days however. They had once been very powerful, lead by an alpha called Arthur. This Arthur happened to look very similar to the small omega Arthur before the large pack.


Arthur was older now. He knew he was still despised by his mate's pack but they could do nothing. The mating had taken place and he was already pregnant with the next heir.

"Arthur~" Alfred whined lowly. The alpha could be so immature, but they do say omegas age faster mentally. Arthur raised an eyebrow and hummed in response.

"Ivan's coming to form some alliance. I don't wanna face him. He gets on my nerves." Alfred frowned and soon possessively gripped Arthur's hips as he dragged him into the alpha.

"And he gets too close to you for my liking..." Alfred muttered angrily. Arthur just chuckled in response to his alpha's possessive actions. He'd grown used to Alfred during their time together.


Arthur slowly opened his eyes and looked around. It was pitch black so why was he up? He listened carefully thinking s noise woke him up but a flicker of a shadow caught his eye. He watched the shadow near the entrance of the small den he shared with Alfred. He heard a few sticks snap under-foot and slowly he rose from his position. He reached over and grabbed Alfred's bone-handled dagger. He held the large knife in one hand and crept over to the side of the entrance. He breathed softly as someone stopped in the entrance before continuing in. Red eyes see,ed to glow in the pitch black and with Arthur's sensitive eyes he could make out the body shape. Arthur blinked in shock. He was just like Alfred... But he was not like him at the same time. To Arthur it didn't matter as he saw the alpha pull out a knife. This man wasn't apart of their pack and obviously had some intent to hurt Alfred.

"Ah!" A deep scream left the intruder as Arthur kicked him in the back of the knee. The omega moved fast, he'd been trained his whole life by his oldest brother on how to fight. His mother had complained he would never need to learn the skills. They finally did come in hand though. Arthur bought down the dagger and slid it across the man's neck. The pack was up and moving but by the time Alfred's eyes had adjusted to the darkness the man had already died. The pack silently looked on as the 3-month pregnant omega stood proudly over the dead intruder, knife still in hand.


Alfred's twin brother Matthew happily played with the two children Arthur had given birth to. The pack's midwife had easily concluded them to be twin alphas. Alfred had been overjoyed by the news but Arthur wasn't. He knew one of them had to go. The two alphas could split the pack with their rivalry over who would take their father's place. One of the alphas happened to look very similar to Matthew, well also Alfred, but somehow more like Matthew.

"Matthew may I talk with you?" Arthur asked as he wondered slightly into the forest. Matthew nodded and followed the omega.

"Francis has mentioned that the two of you are struggling to conceive yes?" Arthur asks and Matthew looks away slightly upset and nods.

"Well would you do our packs a favour and adopt Rose for me?" Arthur asks as he turned around. Matthew looks up in happy shock.

"Are you sure? Alfred might not-" Matthew started to fret.

"Alfred will listen to me. Take her, she can be the heir to the Bonnefoy pack. It will make sure that there is no rivalry in my pack." Arthur explains and Matthew nods with a smile.


"Mama why is it that I have memories of Rose being my sister?" Peter asks. Arthur nearly drops the basket of berries he's holding.

"Well when you two were younger you were very close. Matthew and I used to joke about the two of you being as close as siblings. From that your mind probably made up the idea that you were siblings." Arthur gives a reasonable answer. Peter nods happy with the response. He rushes over to his father as they make it back to the main den.

A/N: Sorry it's shit, but hey! At least I'm getting back in the game. Expect a few more random things like this before a full-fledged chapter. But I will start working on a chapter most likely in the next few days. It's starting to eat at me and I need to finish those three books.

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