Chapter 1 - I fancy you...and, NO, I'm not annoying!

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It all started in 1948. It was a snowy day. December was filling the atmosphere with joy and seven year old Kate was really excited in this part of the year. She could feel the smell of the cookies that her mother made. Of course, they must have been  really delicious! About that, maybe Father Christmas has watched her all year long, behind those judgemental small glasses of his. She was convinced that this year that was ready to pass by has brought up her really sweet side. But as she started thinking about it....there was that one time when she broke mum's tea cup... .  No, he shall not get mad, because he is going to have some great cookies, and a glass of milk. But weirdly, those thoughts were pushed right into the back of her small head as she stood in front of the frozen window all day long...watching the boy from two houses away of hers . He played there, in the middle of the street, with all of the other friends. One of them was that annoying Paul...he was quite alright, but he was always trying to make fun of Kate, because of her big glasses. At least....this little girl was just seven. And of course, she didn't notice all of these things. Her mother told her that she was pretty, and she really trusted her. So Kate wanted Paul to shut up!  

But that cute boy...she didn't know his name, because he was sort of someone new, that only made her notice him now, walking her way and fascinating Kate with every single move. Whatever, he didn't notice she really tried to get his attention, maybe just for two little seconds. It was so hard! Kate decided! She was ready to go there and try to play with him! Maybe he noticed her big house and thought that she was way too rich for him. Noooo, that's impossible, his house was the same height and it mostly had quite the same British features that you would expect. But just in case that was the truth, Kate was going to show him that she was smart and sweet!  

" Mummy !" she got into the kitchen, where her mother was almost done with the cleaning of the flour messily spreaded across the table " I want to go outside. Can I ? "  

" Sweetheart, are you sure? You know that out there " she pointed to the window " it's really cold. I don't want you to feel bad right in the Christmas season. "  

" I am not going to catch a cold. I promise. Pinky promise. " she showed her little finger, one of her small feet hitting the ground.

" Ok, but what are you even going to do there. The only experiences between you and the nature turned out to be almost a fatal disaster. Plus, just that one tree seems to satisfy your needs. What has gotten into ya?" Laura Holmes asked, one blonde eyebrow raising. 

" Mummy, please! I just want to go out there and play with them ! " one of her little fingers pointed to the boys 

" Is that Paul McCartney?? That boy who makes fun of yeh all of the time?? " 

" Yes...." Kate looked down to her comfy shoes, feeling defeated by a maternal force.

" How come you want to play with him? "  

" But there are the other boys as well... "  

" And not even a girl! "  

" Come on, or they are going to leave..." she looked way too excited for this. 

" Alright... alright...suit yourself!" Her mother rolled her eyes and started concentrating on scrubbing something off the table.

A little bit later, Kate got out of the house, a big sigh of relief leaving her chubby body. She felt the cold air right on her face. It was really annoying! And the snow came right on her jacket, one snowflake flew right on her nose.... causing a sneeze to appear out of nowhere. But as she suddenly remembered why she was there, Kate's eyes went right into the direction where HE was, and almost got shocked. She saw him with Mary, just a girl that lived next door, who did not seem way too interesting, but just because of some words being exchanged between the girl and the others, it just seemed like Mary was more than just "a girl next door".

Kate thought that she could have some fun with them as well.

" Hi! " she waved at them and smiled, fixing her glasses on her nose.  

Paul whispered something to the others. In one second...they ran up to their houses leaving the street empty 

Kate got back into the house. Since that day...she always tried to talk to him, but he avoided her.... . 

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