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Daniella's POV:

My brother bangs the bunk above me in an attempt to wake me up, and it works. "You awake, Birthday Girl?" Danny calls from above me.

"No, shut the fuck up." I groan, attempting to go back to sleep.

"But, it's your birthday." My Brother protests, repetitively banging on the bunk. I just ignore him, putting my hood over my head and closing my eyes.

"Mother, the birthday girl doesn't want to wake up." Katya states from the bunk across from me, leaning over and sneaking her hand through the curtain. The bus suddenly takes a sharp turn and all I hear is a massive thump and a groan.

"Your fault for helping Danny wake me up." I tease, sticking my head out of the curtain and laughing.

"Yes, Ella is awake. We can finally start the celebrations." Violet shouts, walking in from the main room. "What the fuck happened to you? Wait, do not move because I need to put this online."

Violet takes a picture with Katya on the floor and the rest of us poking out heads out the bunks. By the rest of us, I mean me, Adore, Detox, Alaska and Courtney. "Courtney, what the fuck are you doing in my bunk?" Violet exclaims. "Don't answer, I don't need to know. Anyway, I came to get you as Michelle wants you to all hurry up and get out of bed."

"We were, but Ella is taking ages." My brother explains.

"Ella, we should leave these people because they suck." Violet says, picking me up and carrying me out of the bunk.

"Chachki, I look a mess and I haven't brushed my hair." I whine.

"You look better than all of us combined so shut up." Violet tells me, walking through the door to the lounge room thing. Sharon, PhiPhi, Manila, Ivy, Jinkx and Michelle cheer as Violet puts me down on the sofa. I put my hands over my face, my bare skin is hideous.

"Ella, remove your hands as you have beautiful skin." Michelle instructs, making me move my hands.

"Wait, it looks so pretty." I smile, noticing all of the banners and pretty lights.

"Happy Birthday, Ella!' They all cheer, including the people who were in the bunk area.

"Thanks, I missed you all." I say, snuggling into Jinkx who wraps their arm around me.

"We're going to Waffle House for breakfast and then we're going to drive to Azusa so we can celebrate with Momma. We'll leave Azusa three and a half hours before the show and Momma will come with us so we can get into drag and you can put some shit on your face that you don't need." Danny informs.

"Don't you think we should get dressed before we get ahead of ourselves and go out in jammies?" Sharon smirks, knowing that wasn't what my Brother meant whatsoever.

"Yeah, Daniel, have you got even more of my clothes hidden away?" I say.

"Yep, I have a couple of your tops, a pair of your shoes, one of your hairbrushes, and two pairs of your jeans, Daniella." Danny responds, opening a cupboard and pulling out a collection of my stuff.

"That's my grey Adidas top and my white skinny jeans and my freaking superstars. I am going to burn all of your stuff when you leave California and finish the last few shows." I gasp, walking up and punching my brother. "Ugh, you couldn't have stolen a couple of pairs of my grips so I could get out of bars until I got new ones."

"You love me, now go and get changed in the toilet. And anyway, you are amazing on bars." My brother tells me, passing me the pile of clothes and pushing me into the bathroom. I throw my unicorn onesie off and put on the white skinny jeans, my grey Adidas top and my black and white superstars. I brush my pastel coloured hair into a high pony before walking back out the bathroom, throwing the other clothes at Daniel.

"Catch, Pussyface." I scream.

"Thanks, Dickface." My brother shouts back.

"Daniella's, shut up because it is 7:30 in the morning." Detox exclaims, punching my brother in the arm. "We are all going to get changed, you can just play on your phone. You may want to make social media accounts."

"Okay." I smile, looking for my phone. "Anthony, where did you put my phone?"

"Um, I don't remember." My brother torments, winking at someone behind me.

"Adore, tell your sister where you hid her phone and then get dressed." Michelle orders.

"Fine, it is in Violet's bunk somewhere. I think I put it under the pillow." Danny answers.

"Really, the one place I can't freaking reach." I pout. "That is why Courtney was in Chachki's bunk, innit?"

"That actually explains everything, I'll help you get it." Violet smiles, linking their arm through mine and pulling me away. Violet grabs my phone from the bunk, takes a few selfies and then hands it to me.

"Thanks, you're my new favourite." I smile, hugging Violet.

"Your welcome, I'm so sitting next to you at Waffle House." Violet grins, hugging me back.

"Does that mean you'll eat half of the crap that they try to force down me?" I say.

"You know how I love my waffles. Is that even a question you have to ask me?" Violet laughs, picking an outfit out from somewhere and pushing me towards the lounge.

Once I have sat down, I type into my phone and go into the social media section. Is it bad that I have all of the apps but have never used them? Probably. First, I go into Instagram and go on to the make an account section. I type in my email as well as a password and 'EllaNoriega' as my username. It goes through, so I click off it and go onto Twitter, doing the same thing.

"Hey Elsie, you made the accounts?" Ivy asks, sitting across from me.

"Yeah, I don't know why I need them, but oh well." I shrug.

"I think Danny wants people to know about you and most kids your age have them." Ivy smiles.

"Good point, I just want it to be 12pm, so I can talk to Dinah as she is flying somewhere today." I respond, looking at a picture of me and my best friend. A small smile forms on Ivy's face, but I have no idea why. I think that I'll just ignore it.

"Hey, what you all talking about?" Jinkx questions as they come and sit down with Michelle, Sharon, Alaska and Courtney.

"Nothing much, just why it was so important for me to have social media accounts." I reply, snuggling into Sharon.

"Ooh, what's your account?" Sharon pipes up, wrapping their arm around me.

"Um, it is 'EllaNoriega' on both." I answer.

"Can we take a selfie?" Sharon requests which makes me nod my head in response. Sharon holds the phone up and we both pout as they press the button.

"I want one two." Jinkx whines, pulling me over to them and forcing me to take another selfie. After about ten minutes, my phone is constantly buzzing and I have taken selfies with everyone apart from my brother who has been taking a stupidly long time to get changed.

"Ella, why is your phone going off?" My brother says as he comes back in.

"Dinah is face timing you, boo." PhiPhi informs, throwing me my phone. I close my eyes and press answer, the excitement building up in me.

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