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*Melody's POV*

I opened my eyes waking up from whatever the heck I was.
I breathed in & out as I looked that there were nurses all around me.
"It's impossible.....somebody get Dr. Tracey in here, stat!", said one of the nurses.
The other nurses kept touching me & asking me questions like, "Are u ok?", "Do u feel pain?" or "Do u remember anything?".

I nod my head no because, I just dreamt about me being in a dark place, no lights no nothing.
I didn't feel or see anything.

The doctor came bursting in, & after a few observations, she took me to the next room where I had to lie down in a bed.
It was more cozy than that emergency room.

I laid there until I fell asleep.

*Nobody's POV*

As everyone balled their eyes out, Dr. Tracey came in with a smile.
"I have extraordinary news!😃", she said making everyone lift up their heads.
"Melody has miraculously come to. She is one of the very few people alive who've been on the brink of death & have come back. Her revise surprised us all & she is now sleeping in room 116. But she needs her rest, mind waiting a few?", the doctor stated making everyone cry tears of joy.
"Are u telling me.....you made an mistake?!😡", Daniel stated angrily.
"Anyone who is at the brink of death can convince anyone their dead since they themselves are technically dead. I'm sorry for the confusion but she is alive now.", Dr. Tracey stated to Daniel.
"I don't give zero fucks about "brink of death"! She was alive, & u made me believe that she was dead!!!👿👿👿", Daniel exclaimed getting ready to pounce on the doctor.
Joshua & Riky hold him back & try to calm him down.

Meanwhile, Kevin was just sitting on the chair holding his chest & breathing in & out slowly as he finally had heard that Melody was still breathing.

(8 minutes Later)

"Can I see her now?", Erika asked impatiently.
"Yes, but everyone go into groups of 4 please.", Dr. Tracey stated.

*Melody's POV*

Dr. Tracey said that I could finally see everyone.
The first group of people to come in were, Riky, Azariah, Yaya, & Joshua.
After spending a few moments with them, Lexi, Mariah, Shari, & Jazzy came in.
Finally, the biggest & I think the most nervous group of all were, Renee, Jakeline, Devin, Erika, Kevin, and.......Daniel.

When they came in, Renee & Jakeline were about to both give me a hug but than Erika pushed them both outta the way & hugged me first.
"Hey!", Renee & Jakeline said in unison.
"I don't give a flying hoot! She's my watermelon (best friend) & I get to hug her first!", Erika stated.
I chuckled & after giving Erika a good 2 minute hug....I then gave two big hugs to Renee & Jakleine.
After that, Devin came to hug me as well.
"I was scared as fuck.", he said whispering in my ear.
I patted/rubbed my hand on his back letting him know that I was ok.
"Sis! I thought u were dead!", Jakeline said shedding a tear.
"Yeah! We were all going wild when we heard that u were ran over & then that "doctor" telling us u were dead made me almost want to die!", Renee stated as well.
"Well...I honestly don't know what happened while I was out but I'm just happy to be alive & kicking.🙂", I said with a wry smile.

Kevin than came right at me with a tight hug.
"I missed u baby.", he said aloud enough that everyone could hear.

Erika looked at Kevin with a, "What did u just say my nigga?", face.
"Baby?!", she exclaimed than looking at Daniel who looked a bit pissed off.
"Erika, I think that we should leave so that they can sort this out.", Renee said while Jakeline & Devin agreed.

As Jakeline tries dragging Erika off, Erika yells before leaving.
"Watermelon! You & me are going to have a chat about this!", she said before the door closed behind them.

Now, it's just me, Kevin, & Daniel........


There is a silence between us three, as we have nothing to say.
"Why?", I said outta nowhere breaking the silence.
"Huh?", Daniel says confused.
"Why'd u cheat on me?", I repeated myself.
"Look, Melody, I'm sooo sor-"
"Save it! I don't want no shitty-ass sorry from u! I prefer u tell me the straight ass truth than hear a dumb ass lie! If u do....then clearly I didn't fall in love with an honest guy.....😕", I said crossing my arms & turning my head.
"Well, why don't u include yourself in this equation? May I recall u also cheated on me with my best friend!😤", Daniel said pointing towards Kevin.
"What are u opening your mouth for?! It wouldn't have happened if u hadn't cheated on her first! She loved u man! Bro, she came to my house crying her eyes out & complaining how much she was having an heart ache all because your ass couldn't stay fucking loyal!😡 ", Kev stated.
"So that was your cue to fucking put your dick in her?!👿", Daniel stated loudly.
"I got caught up in the moment! Just like u when u put your dick in a girl u knew for just a night in Philly.....u know what? I kept your secret & Devin's when u guys got drunk & cheated on your girlfriends. Erika & Melody never deserved to get cheated on & having their "supposedly boyfriends" think about other girls these past month while being in a relationship. You guys are still my bros but u both went a-wall! Melody, I have feelings for u & I do not regret sleeping with u tonight.🙂I got scared to death when I heard u died. For now, I'm gonna be right outside with everyone else while u both figure something out.", Kevin said kissing me😘😘😘on the cheek & going out the door.


A minute has passed & neither Daniel or me has talked.
"Daniel would u mind leaving please? I-I just can't talk to u while I just woke up from the brink-of-death.😒", I said.
"Melody, just so u know, I very sorry I cheated on u with a hoe that I should've seen a mile away. I hope u get outta the hospital soon.......Kevin will make sure u get home safe when u do.....just know that I do love u....", he said leaving.

After he leaves, Erika, Jazzy, Renee, Mariah, Azariah, Lexi, Shari, & Jakeline come in.
"Sweetie, u ok?", Azariah said.
"We saw Daniel leave the building.", Shari stated.
"I'll set him straight at home girl.💅🏼He's my brother but he fucked this one up.", Mariah said.
"Yeah. We can all set his behind straight.", Renee stated.

"No....I-I just.....need my sleep. I really don't wanna talk about it.", I said on the verge of tears.

Everyone nods & leaves so that I can get my rest.
Erika was the only left.
"I'll fuck his weak-ass up ya know. He'll discover how sharp my knife will be.🤗", Erika said.
"Erika.....thanks but I'm too tired right now.", I said laying on my side.
"Fine then. But we're talking about this very soon.", she states turning off the lights & leaving the room.

I feel a teardrop run down my face.
My heart was pounding hard & all I wanted to do was go back to being almost dead.
At least there I didn't feel like my heart was breaking......piece by piece.
I slowly fall asleep crying..........

To Be Continued.........

A Broken Heart...Healed? [The Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now