Forever November 2

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I saw her, as I was leaving the club. I turned around and there she was, her flowing in the brisk New York air bouncing slightly as she waited for her car. She closed her eyes and pulled her coat tightly around her and at that moment I wanted to walk to her and wrap my arms around her. My lips longed for the moment that was taken away from us. I wanted so bad to be with her, but I couldn't because at that very moment the guy she hugged placed his hand on the small of her back. She looked up at him with adoring eyes and at that second I wanted to kill him. He took away my happiness, my everything the woman of my dreams. Is it possible to fall in love at first sight, I don't know. But ask me if it's possible to fall in love in a few hours and I will have to tell you yes. I had fallen in love and those so few hours and my world was crushed in that very same day. Damn life was cruel.

"My, is that her car" David asked touching my shoulder. I looked at his hand and then at him. "Gosh that is her car, you real should have hooked that one mate." I turned back to Daphnee and noticed that the guy helped her into the car and closed the door before getting into the passenger side himself.

"Who's that bloke?" he asked talking about the guy I was watching. "Is that her man? I thought the two of you were hitting it off, well guess not." With that he walked away as I watched my heart drive away.

Three years later.

It has been so long since I have been to New York. Every time anything goes on here I always skip it, if there is an awards show I miss it, it there is a premiere, miss it. I'm so scared that I will run into Daphnee and she is married to the bloke, and or they have a child. I don't think that my heart can take it. I am still hopelessly in love with her. I have a girl friend and although she is great, I still think about that night. The night that the stars aligned and my world took on a new meaning. I looked her up a couple of times and I checked to see how good her books where doing. I turned down a role for one of her books that was being turned into a movie, some stupid love story. Well maybe not that stupid, since it made a killing at the box office.

"I can't believe we are back at this club, after three years" Henry claimed. This time we did not need Daphnee to get in the VIP section, I had that covered all on my own.

"It is so flipping cold, did we really need to come here" Melanie complained. She, like Daphnee did not really like the club seen.

"Ah Mellie chipper up, it's not going to hurt you to have some fun." David chimed in. I said nothing because my heart was beating like triple it's normal. I looked around eagerly hoping that I would see her, that the fates would have mercy on me and I would see the love of my life again. But as the hours ticked on and there was know sight of my darling Daphnee, I grew weary and wanted to leave as much as Mel.

"I'm going to the bar" I grunted to the guys and Mellie. The all nodded and I was off.

"Can I get a beer mate" I called out to the bar keep.

"A chocolate raspberry martini please" I small voice called out. No it wasn't exactly the same, but my heart started to flutter at the familiar drink. I turned slowly and looked at the brunette that stood next to me. Her face was turned in the opposite direction, but she had the same hair color, the same build and the same smell. Oh my god, it was her. My mouth became dry as my wish was coming true.

"Daphnee" I whispered as I lifter my hand and placed it lightly on her shoulder.

The woman turned around revealing, not Daphnee. I let out the breath that I was unaware I was holding. The sight of this woman was killing me. It was like three years ago when I seen that bastard lift my girl in the air and spun her around. It was like my heart wanted to do nothing but stutter to a halt.

"Hello there" the woman said licking her lips seductively.

"Oh, I'm sorry I thought you where someone else" I told her.

"I can be who ever you want me to be." she let me know as she placed her slender fingers on my shirt. I looked at her disgusted as I tore out of there only to bump into someone.

"Hey watch where your going" she shouted. Was this night full of déjà vu or what. I help the blonde up and offered to get her a new drink. I looked closely at her and noticed she looked familiar. Where have I seen this girl before? I chatted with her while we waited for her drink.

"You know you look very familiar" she told me leaning close into me. "I just can't place it though."

"It's funny, but I had that same feeling when I saw you too."

"Is that why you bumped into me" she laughed. "You know you could have just said hello." I laughed along with her.

"Ben" I said holding out my hand. She placed her small on into mine.

"Serena" she smiled a beautiful smile. "Look I have to go but it was nice meeting you Ben" she let me know once her drink had arrived.

"It was nice meeting you too, Serena" she looked at me and smiled.

"Everyone calls me S" she said weaving through the crowd. I watched her and then turned around and walked back to everyone.

"I want to go baby" Melanie wined. I looked at her and nodded. Maybe it was not such a good idea coming hear anyway. I picked up Melanie's coat and helped her put it on. I told the guys that we would catch a cab back to the hotel and handed them the keys. I offered Mel my hand which she gladly excepted. Out side I hailed a cab and as we got in I saw S hailing a cab herself. I smiled and nodded to her, and as we pulled of I saw a petit brunette run out with I pod buds in her ears and hop into the cab. I stared wide eyed as I looked at the cab, it couldn't be, could it. I was tempted to tell the taxi to pull over, but then looked at the girl that was snuggling into my shoulder.

Melanie was the perfect girl and yet here I was looking for another, a girl that belonged to another. I took a deep breath and kissed Mel's head, then rested my own on top of hers. I had to let go of this dream girl and settle for the one I got. I could be happy with Mel, at least try to. I closed my eyes and thought one last time of my perfect Daphnee. Even though my heart was telling me not to do, to look for the girl. I quieted it down and thought of the beauty resting in my arms. I will be with Melanie and that's final.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2010 ⏰

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