Fights, Bonds, Sorry And Me

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The sun is shining, yet it’s still freezing. Why did I have to pick Care Of Magical Creatures?

Because I like it? And I love animals? Yeah, that probably is the reason. 

Oh well. I’m still going to complain.

So yeah, it’s cold and I’m freezing my toes off, even though I’m wearing four pairs of socks. I had a lot of trouble getting on my shoes. I was going to wear two hats too, but Izzie said ‘No’. she said it was ‘totally different than the socks’. She also threatened to hex me. After that, I didn’t even mention my brilliant idea of three scarves.

We’re learning about Griffins today. I honestly don’t know where Professor Sebring got one. Professor Sebring is a little kooky. She would so look good with Professor Dinglebat though. They could become Hogwarts power couple.  I think I’ll mention this to Izzie and see what she thinks. 

Griffins, I conclude, are rather creepy looking. We’re sketching them at the moment and I think mine is quite good. A master piece even!

“Nellie. Yours looks like an elephant.”

Perhaps it isn’t a masterpiece then.

“Well, yours looks like a turtle.” I lied of course. It’s actually quite good. 

Izzie rolled her eyes and went back to shading in her picture.

Griffins are beautiful in their own unique way. I guess. Then again, I say that about everything, even Flobberworms.

“Nellie, that’s a rather freaky drawing.” Lily commented; she was standing next to me and Izzie, probably because we were the furthest away from the Marauders and James has annoyed her for some reason. I didn’t dare ask why because she had look of a murderess on her earlier and I was worried about being caught in the crossfire. 

I looked over at hers; it was good. “I think mine’s rather unique.”

“We were all meant to be drawing the same thing though.”

“Well.” I paused, “Mine is from when it just gets up.” I drew a little tuff of hair at the top. “Look!” I pointed at the tuff, “Morning hair.” Lily giggled and Izzie snorted and muttered something that sounded like ‘loser’ but it could have been hover. So, I’m not too sure.

I reckon it was hover though.

Why would she call me a loser?

I’m the king of cool. I would have said Queen, but King sounds so much cooler.

“We’ll finish our drawings next lesson. Class dismissed. ” Sebring smiled. I heard the shuffling of everyone quickly picking up their bags as they headed back to the castle.

“I’m hungry.” Izzie complained.

“Well that was the last lesson. So it’s almost dinner time.” I reasoned.

“Thank Merlin, The joyous old fellow. I’ve been hungry since breakfast.” Izzie rubbed her stomach in delight.

“You should have had a bigger breakfast.”

“Or have two? Like you did the other day?” Izzie snickered.

“Yeah. That works just as well.”

Izzie rolled her eyes, “Pig.”

“It’s better than being a boring human.”

“I’m sure it is.” Izzie answered sarcastically as we made our way up to dinner where a feast awaited. Literally. They sure don’t starve us here.

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