e i g h t e e n

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so, brendon and ryan ended up alone, locked up in a room because nobody trusted them and they know eventually they'll sneek out.

"long time, no talk" ryan said trying to start a conversation. "we talked yesterday you little shit, stop acting like we haven't seen each other in months" brendon hissed. he was salty because he couldn't go to the concert.

"god i can't even start a conversation with you, i have no idea how i even dealt with you for 6 months" ryan spat back. he moved on from the breakup a long time ago, but brendon was still a bit mad and upset from it.

"yeesh you can't take a joke and seriously you're gonna talk about our past relationship now? i've moved on, seems like you didn't" brendon lied, he didn't want to say he missed the goodnight kisses ryan would give him every night.

"i moved on!"

"doesn't seem like it sweaty" brendon spat back. he wasn't looking for a fight; but his actions took over him.

"shut the fuck up, stop acting like the victim." ryan was sick of brendons actions. ryan was feisty, that was one of the reasons brendon liked him. he liked how he defended himself.

"excuse you? stop acting like the victim? YOU were the person who cheated on ME. stop acting like you're the victim"

thank god it was all a dream. ~ brendon

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