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  As they alighted the car,they saw different kinds of flashy cars parked outside showing that many dignified and honourable persons were at the party. As they walked in, Mike quickly noticed Daniel exchanging pleasantries with other friends and family members. Daniel was a man not up to average height,light skinned,agile and loved to socialize. "Look, it's Daniel" Mike said as the three of them started approaching the birthday boy who was turning 28 years. As Daniel saw them, he put on a wider smile than the one that was on him. As they reached Daniel, Damien stretched out his hand for a handshake"happy birthday bro" Damien said. "What have I done to deserve just a handshake,today is my birthday, what I deserve is a hug, a manly hug to be specific and some gifts" Daniel said with a broad smile on his face. Daniel and Damien gave each other a hug slightly hitting each other's backs. The other two men did the same to Daniel. "So don't tell me you guys came here empty handed,no gifts?" Daniel asked jokingly. They all laughed. "How can I" said Mike,"I'll go get it" he continued as he went to the car to get the gift he bought for Daniel. "I'll go get mine too" said Victor. Damien had nothing to give but he just played along and went to the car. Mike and Victor picked their gifts and wrapped it up with well decorated wrapping sheets. They were done and about going when they saw Damien approaching them. "When did all the buying of gifts happen without me knowing" Damien said with absolute dismay. "On our way here, we stopped to buy gifts but you didn't seem to care so we thought you just didn't want to buy anything" Victor said. "Anyway,please can I just borrow your car for some minutes so I can go and buy a little gift for Daniel with the cash I have on me right now " Damien said gently. "No problem,here is the key" replied Victor tossing the key to Damien. "Thanks and please don't let Daniel know about this" Damien said as he got into the car,started it and drove away in a hopeful search for a gift he could afford on him while the other two men laughed. They walked back into the party proudly and with confidence this time since they now had gifts to present. As they reached Daniel,Victor jumped in first to present his gift. Daniel collected the gift. It was kinda like a flat box,could it be a tablet or a book....Daniel immediately tore the box open to see what was in the box. It was a laptop carton containing a macbook. Even though Daniel already had a laptop he still showed so much appreciation on receiving a macbook and thanked him very well. It was Mike's turn to present his gift. As Damien collected the gift,he also tore up the wrapping sheet eager to see what was inside. He saw a shoe box which in it was a pair of the latest shoes that everyone in town longed for and only rich dudes like them could afford it. Daniel thanked him so greatly. It was then it struck his mind that Damien was missing. "Where is Damien" Michael asked. It was time to tell a little lie. "Damien...Damien...Damien went t-o find a place to ease himself" Mike stammered. "But there's a toilet here so why did he have to leave?" Daniel asked. "He hasn't been feeling too........" Victor was talking when Mike interrupted saying "Look,it's Damien". Victor and Mike breathed a sigh of relief as they didn't know what lie to use to cover up the first lie which could have led to another lie and another lie and another lie and another lie. Behold Damien was holding a small wrapped box. When he reached them,he quickly apologized to Daniel for wasting too much time in bringing the gift "I also had to find a place to ease myself". Luck was on their side that both their lies matched. "No problem bruh" Daniel replied. Damien presented the gift and of course, Daniel tore up the wrapping sheet and found an iphone. It turned out that what Damien thought would be a small gift was actually a very big gift. Daniel was so happy that he had such good friends who would buy him awesome gifts. "Anyway, let's hit the dancefloor" said Victor. Daniel, Victor and Mike took the dancefloor while Damien found a place to sit quietly.
        After dancing,Mike,Victor and Daniel went to mingle and talk to some ladies while Damien still sat quietly.
   Daniel's girlfriend,Phoebe was at the party with her friend Mary. Mary was a very beautiful lady,light skinned, and was dressed fabulously. Mary was dancing for a long time and she looked tired of dancing with people. But each time she sat to rest,someone would ask her to dance and it was hard to say no so she just had to dance. When she was very exhausted,she came and sat on a chair not too far from Damien

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2017 ⏰

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