Death for an almond

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(Please do not read if you are triggered by suicidal thoughts or actions, I do not in any way support suicide or anything in that way.)

Bruce crouched over a pool of blood, using his equipment to take a quick sample. There was no body, all he could find was the puddle of blood. If he was right, it would be the same boy.

"DNA match" the words blinked on the screen as Bruce stood up, a deep sigh letting loose as he pulled the grapple out of his belt.

"Is it the boy again, Master Bruce?" Alfred's old voice came over the comm as Bruce only grumbled in response, "Words would suit you better, Master Bruce"

Bruce blocked Alfred out as he ran on top of the rooftops, heading to the batmobile. His eyes catching glimpses of billboards with ads pasted on them. Young couples walking hand in hand as the held close for warmth, a young boy holding a cardboard sign wishing for death.

Bruce had to stop himself, running position in mid air as his head turned, "Excuse me mam, would you light me on fire for an almond?" The boy asked as if it was a normal thing to do.

The woman walked faster as she held an uncomfortable look in her eyes, Dick Grayson. Bruce almost smiled as he felt the case he had been working on for months, coming to an end. But he couldn't, because he's Batman.

A moment later Bruce was beside Dick, "Oh hello sir," Dick greeted, "Ohhh!! can I borrow this??" He smiled as he reached for the high voltage tazer gun in Bruce's belt.

Bruce frowned as he pushed Dick away, "That's mean..." Dick pouted as he sat back down onto the cold streets. "Come with me," Bruce ordered, he and Alfred had made plans to help the boy. Well, more or less Alfred taking pity on the kid after he saw him on the news.

"Why?" Dick taunted, "Because," was the only answer Bruce gave, "Eh," Dick winked at Bruce, "Its not like I'll die or anything."

Bruce walked with Dick along the streets, occasionally having to tell Dick to leave the gun alone as he smacked his hand lightly.

"Where are you even taking me?" Dick asked curiously as he saw the batmobile. "Somewhere," "Like where?" "Somewhere." Dick shrugged as he put his feet on top of the dashboard.

Looking out the car door, hoping Batman would go really fast so he could jump out or something. His hopes were crushed as he heard the car door click, signifying that the doors were locked.

"Wouldn't it be nice if you.... Crashed the car and I died??" Dick smiled cheekily as he looked out the window, "No,"

"It would,"


Ehhh I don't know about this story it just came to me as I was doodling.


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