Chapter 5

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Where the hell is my sister, I thought to myself.

I had been searching since we had left the office from picking up her new schedule. The one she had gotten during the summer had been wrong, so when we called the school, they said they'd have it ready today.

I can't find her scent through all the Pine-Sol, my wolf said. I agreed with him by grunting.

She was here one minute and then gone the next. She had been acting strangely ever since we had gotten out of the car. I thought that Maxon had done something to her, I was going to kill him, but she assured me that he was the perfect gentleman. I had apologized to her about Natalie's behavior, but she had told me to forget her.

That was Nova for you. She was always completely forgiving, even when the person or people didn't deserve it. Like Maxon, I had wanted to have a talk with him for years about teasing my little sister and starting the fat rumor, but she begged me not to. She said she didn't want to cause any more trouble for us. We were already the pack outcasts, what with our parents being dead and us not wanting to live in the packhouse. We were looked at differently.

I was looked at differently because I was only 15 when my father died. Nova was only 13 going on 14 and I had begged the council to let me be her guardian. I had already lost both of my parents; I wasn't able to lose my sister too. When Father told me who Mother really was and what Nova was to become, he made me promise that I'd always take care of her.

Back then I thought it was a stupid promise because she's my sister why wouldn't I protect her, but now being this age, it all made sense. Nova needed protection not only from other people but herself too. She could be her own worst enemy. If people started finding out that she was a rare type of Special, other packs, rogues, and hunters alike would be after her. We just needed to make it through tonight, and we'd be safe.

"Alex! Over here," Natalie called. I sighed; I didn't have or want the patience to deal with her anymore. She was disrespectful and fake. I don't know what I saw in her in the first place.

I stifled an internal groan as I walked closer. I could smell her cheap perfume from a mile away. Ugh.

"Hey Nat, what's up," I asked, wanting this over with. I still hadn't found Nova, and I was beginning to get worried. She had never gone missing this long without linking me.

"What's the rush, Hun? We have first-class free, so I was thinking we could go for a run in the woods behind the school," she suggested. As she tossed me a wink, I remembered what I saw in her.

She was easy.

I'll be happy when we finally find our mate and we can be rid of this girl, my wolf commented. I nodded inwardly at him and smiled, which Natalie took as a yes because she began pulling me towards the back doors.

I snatched my arm away from her causing her to turn around with a shocked expression. "I'm actually looking for Nova. Have you seen her?"

She smacked her teeth and rolled her eyes. She took a long and exaggerated sigh before she answered me. "No, I haven't seen her." I never understood what Natalie's problem with my sister was. Nova made sure Natalie got her way often, but she still wasn't happy with that.

"What is your problem with my sister," I asked her, irritated. This had really gotten ridiculous.

Before she could answer Juan came running down the hall shirtless and screaming my name. Everyone, including his mate, was staring at him like he had gone crazy. As he made his way to me Vanessa, his mate, made her way over too protectively close to Juan's naked torso. He was out of breath and his tan skin was flushed and red. Vanessa looked worried. It was obvious that he had shifted but what we didn't know was why, and we couldn't ask him before he caught his breath.

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