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In 2065, biologists found a strand of genetic material in a pregnant woman's womb called a 'subgene'  that could tell you exactly the day you were going to be born, how tall you were going to be, if you were going to be lean or overweight, your hair color, your eye color, and the day you were going to die. If you went agaist your subgene you were an outcast in society. Frowned upon by everybody and treated like dirt. If your subgene said you were going to have brown eyes and you came out with green, prepare to be hated by the country. People believed that if your life didn't go along with your subgenes, then God didn't think you were a good person and you weren't going to Heaven.  Nobody had a happy life if theyre subgenes were off.

This is my story.


"Congratulations! Meet your new baby girl!" the nurse said, handing my mother a soft pink blanket with a little human being in it. My mother's sweaty palms grabbed the fabric and she adjusted it to see the baby girl. My father bent down to see her, her bright green eyes looking back at him. He stroked the top of her head, getting his fingers intertwined within her pitch black curls. The baby screamed and cried, and my mother dropped a tear on the baby's blanket. Their first child had finally been born.

"When you are rested, we'll bring you to into the information room and we'll talk there," the nurse said, exiting the room. My mother and father were left alone to admire the baby girl they had just brought into the world.

The next day my parents nervously walked into the information room, not knowing what to expect. They're minds racing with questions and anticipation. They opened the door to see a man in his mid 50's hunched over his desk, writing something down and pushing his glasses up. He looked up and met my parents' weary eyes and gave them a warm smile.

"I suppose you would like to hear your child's life information now?" he smiled. My parents looked at eachother then gave a slight nod to the man.

"Let's see," he said skimming through some papers on his desk. "Alexandria Deval.  Born: May 11th, 2080. Green eyes, Black hair. Maximum height: 5'5''. Maximum weight: 124 pounds. First love: age 15. Death: September 2, 2095."

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