Chapter 2

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**AUTHORS NOTE: This isn't really my favorte chapter/: but I needed to introduce Derek into the sory. I'm sorry if you're not a romance reader!  

I arrived at school and walked over to my locker, pressing the four-didget passcode on the touch screen. 0511. It was my birthdate.  My locker slowly opened and I grabbed my digital tablet holding all of my books and notes for each class. My dad had once told me that you had to carry books and pencils and paper around for every class. After they had wiped out over half the trees on the planet, they had to result in more electronic things. Thus, inventing a tablet where you can read/write on. 

I walked to my English class when my friend Derek started walking in my direction. I blushed and kept my head low, making sure he didn't see me. I had a major crush on Derek, but he's really awkward around people he's not really close to, which make me even more awkward. I like him so much, I restain myself from going near him. He walked right past me in the halls, as nothing had even happened, and I lifted my head, walking to class. 

Lunch came and went and it was time for math class. The only class I had with Derek. I walked over to my seat and he was already seated, smiling like the god he was. Now don't get me wrong, he wasn't that popular, but he was still perfect. He smirked as I took my seat and said hello. I choked out a wimpy 'hey' and looked down. He was a really quiet person so I know if I'm gonna talk to him, I'm going to have to start the conversation. 

"Today we're learning about the Geometric Mean."

 Derek got bored and turned to me.

"How's it going?" I looked up and met his eyes for two seconds before looking at my paper. 

"Uhh, today's been ok. How about you?" I said nervously, doodling on my paper.

"It's getting better," he looked at me and smiled. Was that directed towards me? I doubt it, but a girl can dream! 

I muttered and focused on doodling so I wouldn't say anything stupid. At the end of the period my paper was filled with hearts. I wrote my name and date on the paper. 

Alexandria Deval

March 15, 2095

Then it hit me. It's March 15. My Ending Party was in a couple of months. I've had a good life but I didn't expect it to come so soon. I knew from a child that I was going to have a short life, but I mean, already!? 

When the bell rang I jumped out of my seat and ran home.


I sat on my bed weeping. I couldn't let anybody see my tears. They rolled down in salty waves down my cheek, barely missing my mouth. Dying was supposed to be happy. It meant that you lived your time on Earth and you were going to meet God, but I didn't want to die so soon! It wasn't fair! My friends all had Death Dates when they were in their 60's or 70's. Why was mine so early? 

My mom arrived home and noticed I was just sitting on my bed thinking. She asked me what was wrong and graced my skin with the side of her hand. I told her my Ending Party was coming soon. She smiled and stood up.

"You know what that means. Dress shopping!"


The next day, my mom took me out of school and told the administrators it was for my Ending Party preparation. She drove us towards the town biggest shopping plazas. There were 3 dress shops in the plaza. The Wedding Boutique, The Prom Night Expirience, and The Ending Party Gown Store. I had never been in The Prom Night Express. I am going straight to the Ending Party place.

As we walked in, the store manager greeted us, and handed my mom a glass of champange and me a glass of Apple Cider. She showed us to the dresses that would fit me and she stayed to talk to my mom.

I ran my fingers over all the different fabrics. Silk, polyester, cotton... Nothing like the cheap fabic we had for our clothes. The colors were like a rainbow. Shades of blue, purple, and green. Dresses with design on it. Flowers, stripes, polka dots. I've never seen so beautiful clothes. There was no need to anymore.

My dad had told me once that people dressed up all the time. Even for things like going out to dinner. Expensive name brand clothing eventually wore off and everyone just started wearing the same types of clothes. America went through the Second Great Depression and hardly anyone could afford expensive clothes. The schools got the government to keep all clothing stores equally priced because there was a lot less bullying at the schools. Now we only dress up for three things. I would dress up for just one.

I picked out 14 dresses. I didn't even like half of them, but when will I ever be able to do this again? I slipped on a maroon knee length dress with sparkles on the straps. It hugged my body until my hipsand I started tearing up. It wasn't fair that I could only do this once. It was too much fun. I twirled in the dress so it flowed with me.

"Honey, can I see it?"

"Not yet Mom, I don't like this one."

I tried on a black one that was slim all the way to my thighs. It didn't twirl with my body because of how tight it was, but that was okay. It was made out of silk and the top part where my breasts were had a black and white floral pattern. It was perfect. It felt good on my body, making me look good. I walked out of the dressing room. My mom gasped.

"Oh, Sweetie! You look wonderful! Is that the one you want?!"  I twirled once more.

"Let me try on a couple more." That one was perfect but I didn't want this day to end just yet.

After trying on a dress for every color of the rainbow, the assistant walked me over to the shoe section and I tried on a plain pair of black flats that looked good with it. Rules were that you were'nt allowed to wear heels until your Wedding Day. I would never be wearing heels. My mom walked me to the register as a held my dress, caressing it. I'd never ever had anything like it. I felt it to my face, it felt smooth against my cheek. My mom paid for it and we left.

I looked over at her in the car. She was bubbly and happy, talking about what color theme she thought was good for the Party. I ignored her and looked out the window. The Party wasn't for a couple more months and I didn't want it to come so soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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