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i'm back did you miss me book? Probs not you're a frickin book with no friends and no life just like me! I'm writing this in the dark because my body decides to wake up at 4:30 in the morning and I can't go back to sleep fml. Im bored Im going to go outside. brb.           

Ok its really scary in 4:00 in the morning outside! it was really dark so I brought my sisters hello kitty camping flash light. So I thought I heard something moving around in the dumpster so I took like five steps closer and listened then I decided to point the flashlight at the dumpster. Then a frickin homeless guy pokes his head out of the door on the side. I ran so fast I think I was running faster than bruce jenner when he was in the olympics.  

Ugh I really need to clean my room. or hire a maid from mexico so only I understand what the hell she's talking about. I really want my room to be tumblr and I want a loft in my room and a bigger closet. So who ever Is reading this you better get me those things.  I'm hungry I want breakfast but I have to wait for my mom to make it fml. Wait my sister just woke up I'm going to go scare her to death.

Ok that was a bad plan she's crying. So she was in the bathroom so I ran to her room and got under her bed. when she got back I grabbed her feet and I was wearing a clown mask lol. She is pissed and she's going to tell mom. well better kill her now. ok I bribed her I gave her some skittles so she wouldn't tell mom. I never told her those skittles where from last halloween.

Lets talk about halloween since its in two days. for school we are wearing our costumes so I just took the snapchat dog filter and printed it out and put it on a headband and that's my costume! I still need to make more for hannah and ashley. Hannah is going to be the other dog and Ashley is going to be the cat. F*ck I need more ink for my printerrrr. But I'm not doing anything for the night of halloween I could go with my sis but hell no i'm not doing that. Nick might go with me but hes probs going to stay home alone.  I have that lady gaga song stuck in my head. well ill go kill myself to get it out. 

life of a loserDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora