Running Away

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A/N Click on the link in the comment section below to see her car and Casey.


I was sprinting into the darkening forest at full speed with a roar of anger and determination. The trees seemed magnificently taller, lanky, and had branches that resembled a spiders crooked legs.

I couldn't cease the fact that my vision was wavering as a throbbing headache lingered viciously in my sinus' and behind my eyes from crying. But, none of those restraints stopped me from taking each stride as I ran, like I was taking a leap across the Grand Canyon. My long hair broke free from it's braid and was flowing like waves of black fire behind me. My arms were pumping back and forth vigorously as I ran like the wind, crunching every branch and rock in my path, that would have been painful to step on, had I had not been absolutely terrified of the people chasing me.

Only one question pounded against the walls of my mind:


Okay, let me rewind a bit for you.

I was going to go to my school, already dreading the day to come because I didn't sleep well last night. So I threw on a random t-shirt and some skinny jeans and quickly brushed my hair deciding it looked good enough because I was just going to school.

"Casey! Hurry up before you miss the bus!" My mom screamed up to me from down stairs.

"I'll be right down!" I yell back from my room upstairs.

I rushed down the stairs, went to the kitchen, and kissed my mom on the cheek.

As I checked the time on the clock, I noticed that I was going to be late, so as fast as I could, I took a few bites from a piece of toast that was on the kitchen table, hurriedly shoved on my jacket, and ran towards the bus stop.

The doors to the bus were just on the verge of closing before I slipped through and ran to the seat, almost falling because the bus lurched forward before I could sit properly.

After about ten minutes we finally arrived at the high school.

"I'm going to fix my car after school today. Taking the bus sucks." I mutter under my breath.

I'm so glad that this is my last year of high school. Oh, and the fact that I am now an adult because I just turned 18 a month ago.

I am probably going to leave the house soon so my mom and step dad can live by themselves.

With that thought, I got off the bus, and then proceeded to go on with the school day as usual.

When I got home, I noticed mom wasn't wasn't there. I just shrugged it off and assumed that she was at work.

I then went into my garage and looked at my car. I was proud to say that I owned a black 1970 Lincoln Continental. I inherited it from my dad. He died when I was 13 years old right in front of me.

I closed my eyes in pain and tried not to think of that day. The day of the accident. But I couldn't help the memories that resurfaced as I searched for some tools to fix my car with.

"Hey Dad! Can we go get something to eat?!" I asked really excited because it was my 13 birthday and we would always go eat at one of my favorite restaurants on my birthday.

"Of course sweety." He looked down at me smiling and laughing at my excitement.

I jumped all of the way to the car and couldn't help but admire how good the car looked for its age.

Running Away (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now