Chapter 2

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I was covered in my moms blood from trying to make her get up- hoping with all my being that she wasn't dead. I finally gave up, knowing that it was foolish to even try. My mom was gone forever. I screamed at the top of my lungs for someone to call 911. Finally, a stranger heard me, and on their cell phone, they called 911. 3-5 minutes later the police and an ambulance came.

I felt every negative emotion I could possibly feel. I felt as if there was a pain inside of my chest that wouldn't heal. I felt old wounds reopening as I thought of both of my parents deaths. I didn't care anymore that people could see me being weak. I lurched forward, finally trying to cry, but no tears came. I started shivering with the coldness that I felt slither into my chest as I saw my mothers corpse lying in the alley. I felt broken and torn in every way imaginable. I felt my heart shatter.

Eventually, the paramedics drooped a shock blanket over me, but I didn't care.

I could feel a lone tear trail down my face as the police started asking me questions about my mother's demise. I then got guided to the police car and they took me home.

It felt so empty in this house without another person present. I felt the most alone I have ever felt. I don't really trust people, so I had almost no friends to comfort me. I had no family besides my parents- and now they're both dead.

Tired and confused, I went straight to bed.

I woke up around 12:30 p.m. the next day.

Why did I sleep in so late?

I then look down at my hands. I saw blood- I was completely covered in it. My mom's blood.

Then all of the memories flashed to my mind. I sat in silence as tears clouded my vision. I feel a head ache pounding at my sinus as I stumble to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, I look in the mirror, and am terrified by how I look. I see blood everywhere from trying to shake my mom. I see tears flowing down my face. I see my eyes. They look... dead. They are destroyed, broken, and lost. I just felt a confusion of emotions bouncing across the inside of my head.

Then I did the only thing I knew how, I channeled my emotions in something I could do.

I transfer all of my emotions into anger as I stomped up to the stairs and into my bedroom. I see my punching bag and can't hold it in anymore. I had to vent my emotions out on something. I didn't even grab my gloves as I started blindly punching the bag.

Then I do the absolute worst thing I could at the moment, I started remembering.

I punch at the punching bag again and again. I could still here my moms screams.

"No! Don't do this! No-AHH!!!"

I punch harder at the bag.

"Mom?! No! Don't die, you can't die! Stay with me... mom. Please I have no one besides you. You can't be dead."

I punched the bag so hard, it flew off the chains, but I didn't pay attention. All I could see right now was the memory of the light starting to fade from my moms eyes.

It's all because of him.

But when I think back to that night. The night my mom was murdered. I start to believe more and more that it wasn't Robert who killed her.

No, it couldn't be.

Because after he murdered my mom, he looked at me and smirked.

And maybe it was the lighting, or maybe it was the sight of my mom that made me delusional, or maybe I was going crazy... but I could've sworn when I looked into his eyes... it wasn't him. His eyes were darkness. His eyes were evil. They weren't his eyes.

His eyes were pitch black.

I quit going down my trail of thought as I heard the doorbell from downstairs. I quickly opened my bedroom door, rushed down the stairs, and opened the door.

"Hey Ellen. Please come in."

She looks down at my hands and sees that they are bloody and cut from recklessly hitting my punching bag.

"You stay here while I get the first aid kit." She goes upstairs to the bathroom to get the fist aid kit, but not before she looks at my opened bedroom door and sees the punching bag on the ground.

She rushed down the stairs with the kit in hand and demanded in a loud voice, "What happened?"

I smirked lazily,"Just a little renovating."

She looked at me and said, "I knew that your were taking it badly, but not to this extent. Oh, I should have come over as soon as I found out. Now, come over here so I can clean you up."

I just walked over to the sink and waited for her to get it over with. She poured hydrogen peroxide all over my cuts on my knuckles. They started bubbling and sizzling so bad that you could here it loud and clear, even over the noisy faucet. I didn't even flinch at the pain. I have felt worse in this day and a half emotionally than any pain you could feel physically, and I couldn't let someone that is like family see me in pain.

"You're going to need some stitches." She says inspecting my cuts on my hand. I just shrug.

She looked at my concerned and worried before she started stitching me up. She didn't numb it or anything and I still didn't finch or twitch in pain. If anything, she looked more concerned than ever.

Then her cell phone rang.

"It‘s Jo."

I heard some mumblings and kind of toned out her conversation. Then she hung up and said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go to the bar. There's someone there waiting for me."

"It's okay." I nod and start to go back to my room.

"Hey! Where are you going?!"

"To go fix my punching bag."

She looked like she was debating something, but then she said,"You should come with me."

I nodded my consent and started following her outside.

"Are you guys okay?"

Ellen shook her head no, but no one can lie to me. She's worried about someone or something.

"Can I follow your car? I just got my car fixed and I'd like to bring her."

"Sure. Just don't get lost."

I shrugged off her comment. Come on, I only got lost one time- and it wasn't even my fault, it was my mom's... I'm so glad that I was in my garage already and that she couldn't see how broken I looked whenever I thought of mom. I mean, what do you expect, she just died in front of me yesterday. But I had to suck it up. Ellen needed me.

I got in to my car and followed Ellen, enjoying the moments before I had to put my mask back up.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2014 ⏰

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