Dippers downfall

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Dipper sat silently in the meadow, ears flicking about every so often. He sat, engrossed in the journal, near the tree line. The morning light cast gently through the trees and a slight breeze could be felt. Dipper sighed in content, he had just barely escaped Stan earlier, and was definitely glad he had not been made to work. Today - in Dipper's mind - was perfect.

He heard shuffling in nearby bushes. looking up he spied a group of deer heading into the clearing, relaxing again.

There was a stag trailed by two smaller males and at least three more female does. Dipper turned back to his book, flipping through the book again to try and find any relevance to a cure.

He paused, holding his breath.

Looking up he traced the other deer, stiff, like the were looking for something. Wrongwrongwrong. He shouldn't be here. Leave. RUN!

Dipper slowly maneuvered himself up placing the journal back into his vest. He moved forward. Something was wrong. wrongwrongwrongwrong


A shot rang out. He saw the body of one of the smaller male deer's drop.

Then another shot, the rest of the startled herd raced off in different directions. Dipper stood, to disoriented to move, hidden in the shadows of the trees. He saw flashes of bright orange move to the corpse.

"How could you miss it, the animal was standing right in front of you!?"

"The light was in my eye ok! just hurry up and take the picture."

Dipper only stood watching the two men, his body screaming to move get as far away as he can. But his mind was in to much shock. 

As soon as he saw the light glint off of the riffle of the older hunter, he took an unconscious step back.

"Did you hear that?"

"It could be that stag."


Dipper finally registered the two hunters quickly working their way in his direction.

In an instant Dipper ran to the bushes and undergrowth.

A shot rang out.

Dipper felt a burning sensation on his left lower leg, tumbling, he hit the ground.

"Follow it!"

He could hear the leaves crunching under heavy boots. Dipper struggled to push himself up. Bolting as soon as his hooves had traction.

"This way, it's injured!"

His sides heaved, lungs burning for air, he was running out of time. They were closing in. Dipper spotted a large pine tree, a small opening through it's needles.

"It couldn't have gotten far."

Dipper slipped silently into the safety of the tree. He could hear the boots again, getting ever so closer. Dipper held his breath, pressing himself as far back into the darkness as he could. The boots stomped by, their conversation all but dying out as they headed out in search. Dipper remained stiff, paranoia eating at his mind. He had almost died.

what if they were still their? No. Waiting just outside to catch you. ... Their going to kill you. That doesn't - that - There going to get you. NO they wo- Shoot you in cold blood! They were going to KILL YOU!

Dipper's body trembled, mind racing as the thoughts kept bubbling up. silent  tears began to slide down his cheeks, he sat there jumping at every sound. What if they were still out there?

Dipper's tears silently flowed down his face and sunk into the crisp leaves, crying untill he fell into a deep slumber.

Dippers DownfallWhere stories live. Discover now