Chapter 3

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"DIPPER!" Gargrunkle stan marched twoards the two children, his feet leaving ragged claw marks on the already crackeled ground.

Gompers skidded out of the gargoyles path, not wanting to get crushed.

"You weren't at work today! Do you know how many people missed out on DeerBoy, but most importantly, you know how many people didnt PAY for DeerBoy!"

Dipper only half listned to his great-uncles rant, as he was still thinking about the girl in the forest.

"Imma leave this conversation here, BUT WE ARE NOT DONE WITH THIS!" The angry gargrunkle stomped off, sending nearby birds in a state of panic as they fley out of their trees.

"Hey, brobro?" Mabel sighed, her tail swooshing softly, sending drops of water flying into the air.

"Were you even listning?"

"No" dipper sulked, as he was still thinking about the incident in the woods.

"Wanna talk about it?" Mabel asked.

"No." Dipper stated, trudging on grunkle stans paw prints in the dirt, to his own room.

Dippers room was diffrent from most twin's rooms, well most twins weren't mythical. Their room was split in two, each "habitat" accomodating the species they were.

Mabel, being part angelfish, had a saltwater pond. Complete with mini beach and seashells.

Dipper however, did not want all the extra accessories that Mabel had, and had stuck to a simple forest nest of leaves and twigs, and although he didnt add it, mushrooms and sprouts were starting to pop up anyway.

Dipper didnt get much sleep that night. Restlessly thinking about the stranger in the woods.Now dipper wasnt in love with her, but instead curious about her origin.

Was she an exploreres daughter, or perhaps a Hunters. Dipper shivered at the thought.

Dipper didnt get much sleep that night, thinking and worrying about the strange girls origin.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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