Dippers Downfall Part 2

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"Hellooo." A small voice whispered through the roots.


Dipper woke with a start, his abnormaly small antlers colliding with the modest peice of pine at the top of his shelter. Dipper groaned and looked upward, toward the cryptic voice beyond him. It was a girl, about his age, with light skin and a crown of light pink flowers.

"Heyhey, you ok?" The subjective adolescent said, rubbing his shoulder and trying to get him up.

Dippers mind was fuzzy, and everything was a blur.

When it all came back into focus, dipper saw the most extravagant girl he had ever seen. She looked as if human, and dipper crawled deeper into the shelter, not wanting to get caught being paranormal. His damaged hind leg touched the back of the tree, and he winced at the touch.

"Here let me help you!"

Dipper was frantic to get away, and could no longer hide the fact that he was hyperventilating.


Dipper stammered as he tried to find the right words to fit the situation he was in, the closed walls of the hollow tree cramming his body into an awkward sit.

"Just let me help!"

Dipper was getting restless, his frantic attempts to flee proven invalid.

It all hapened so fast, dipper botled ot of the hollow tree, knocking the girl over, rendering her unconscious, but dipper did not know what he did to the girl, for his deer instinct was yelling at him to flee the premisis, and so he did. Bolting at a tremendous speed, dipper did not care where he went as long as it was not the hollow tree. Dipper was so lost in his thoughts, he did not see the clearing, or the pond, up ahead.

"Ouch! Hey!"

A muffled voice came from within the pond, for dipper had lost his footing and fallen in, toppling over mabel.

"Sorry mabel" dipper replied in a huff, as his scrawny deer legs had begun to thrash to keep his head above the water.

"Lemmie help you there.."

Mabel then proceeded to push dipper out of the water, leaving him a wet mess on the dirt.

"Thanks mabel..." Although his voice sounded unenthusiastic, a bright smile appeared on the boys face...

Untill stan appeared.

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