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Hey wolves what's up?I have been tagged by like three people but the first person to tag me was Sweet78508 thank you so much 😑

Anyways lets start

1. I have 3 dogs one female and two males

2. My favorite song of this month is my house ( at the top)

3. I have a one boyfriend but we broke up a loooooong time ago we were like 7

4.I haven't had my first kiss

5.i have been lying about my age I'm actually 14 going on 15 ( please forgive me)

6. I will NOT do a face revile for a while the idea has crossed my mind but I don't think I will maybe when I hit like 500 followers

7.i'm kinda short

8.my brother is vapierboy74 ( check him out if you want to  but he isn't very addictive on it 😒)

9.heres a pic of max

That's a terrible pic of him but whatever his tired

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That's a terrible pic of him but whatever his tired

10.I'm from Monroe L.a. And I still leave in L.a.but I'm not telling you guys where

That's it I would tag people but I'm tired so PEACE✌🏼️

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