Love War

46 3 20

Drama goes down in this chapter, so grab some popcorn and... I can't think of anything else

Also my house smells like pizza crust so now I want pizza but I can't get any. FML

"Logan? You okay?" Krystalle asks, heading into her friend's room. She sees the Alpha laying on his bed, hands folded behind his head and staring up at the ceiling.

"I honestly don't know Krys. I'm so lost on... Everything really. Nothing makes sense anymore."

"I know how you feel." Krystalle sits i  the edge of the bed and Logan breaks his gaze from the ceiling to look the Beta in the eyes.



"Promise me something."

"Course. What is it?"

"You'll be there for me when I need you most?"

"I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't plan on it." The two gave smiles to ine another before Krystalle grabbed an extra pillow and blanket and set up on Logan's window seat.

"Sleeping here tonight?"

"Yeah. That okay?"

"Fine by me."

"Night Lo."

"Night fangirl."


Krystalle wakes up on the window seat where she slept last night and smiles, remembering her talk with Logan last night. She changed her outfit to a clean shirt skirt and heels before stuffing the dirty laundry in her backpack and walking out to the living room. She gasps at the sight of the two men kissing, feeling her geart break and confusion flood her mind. She quickly grabbed her thigs and ran out of the house, sobs threatening to escape her lips.

"What was that about?" Mitch asked.

"I have no idea." The other man answered.

"So I have a question."

"Yeah?" Mitch replied.

"Will you go out with me?"

"Of course." Logan plants his lips on Mitch's, embracing the two in a sweet kiss

* Yes I ship Mitch and Logan, I can't help it they look so cute together. But there will be some fucked up plot twist in the next ten to fifteen chapters *

Krystalle runs through the backforests of Todrick's house to try and just get away from it all. She tripped over a long thick (mind out of the gutter) tree root and tumbled to the ground.

"Fuck my life." The Beta walks to a small pond and slips off her shoes, letting her feet dangle in the cool water.

"Kryssiey?" She turns around to see Jeremy, Kirstie's mate, walking towards her.

"What are you doing here?" He sat on the log she was and stared at her, concern for his friend filling his eyes.

"I needed to get away from it all." She said, rynning a hand through her bright red hair.

"Can I ask what happened?"

"Logan and I were talking last night, and I uh... I realized I have a small thing for him. It's like it just popped into my life like a giant fucked up plot twist. Anyways, I woke up this mornig remembering what we ralked about, and I was happy he trusted talking to me about what he said. I thought... I thought he loved me... For some dumbass reason I did. But I walked into his living room and... He was making out with... With Mitch."

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