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While Krystalle was changing into a wolf, somewhere in the house Logan and Mitch were drunk and hanging out.

"Ohh Mitchy..." Logan said as he stumbled over to his lover. He began to kiss the Omega, to which the dyed blonde tenor kissed back.

"When we get home I'm going to- AHH!" The Alpha dropped to his knees. Mitch went down beside him and saw fangs growing in Logan's mouth.

"Mitch. Get away." Logan demanded.


"GO THE FUCK AWAY!"  The Alpha smashed a glass onto the floor by his arm that Mitch wasn't near, but nobody payed attention to the two.

"Agh!" Logan's nails grew three times longer and shrunk three times in width, curling at the ends.

"Logan what's going on?" Mitch asked in fear.

"Gimme your neck." Logan demanded to the Omega. Mitch started to back away but the Alpha pinned him down. He got to his neck and bit down harshly in the soft skin of Mitch Grassi.

"Logan stop please!!" The dyed blonde begged. Logan licked and sucked in the area, his fangs almost piercing skin. He moved back and saw fur growing on his arms.

"GAAAHH!!" The natural blonde hunched over. White fur started to come out of his back and his eyes turned the blue of the contacts from the Daft Punk video.

"Logan what's going on!!?" Mitch asked. Logan looked up at the Omega but...

He's no longer human

"LOGAN!!" Mitch goes to pet the white wolf but the creature snarls and darts into the living room

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"LOGAN!!" Mitch goes to pet the white wolf but the creature snarls and darts into the living room. Screams ring through the house as the human chases the wolf into the woods.

"No!" Mitch trips over a giant log, cutting him off from his adventure. The white wolf howls loudly, and Mith sees a black wolf with grey eyes dart towards the wolf.

"Logan... What happened?" Mitch started bawling. Sobs racked his tiny body and he didn't feel someone pick him up and set him in their lap.

"It's okay. They're in a better life now." The figure kissed the tenor on the head and rubbed his back as he was crying harshly into their shirt.


"Alex and Travis got married!!" Kirstie squealed on the phone to Jeremy.

"That's great, love." He smiles through the receiver and Avi bursts in the room.

"Kirst, come on. We have to get to Tristan and Melaniey's wedding." She hung up with her boyfriend and got her outfit on.

"Come on. Time for a wedding."


"W-whats happening?" Gaile shouted in horror at Hope, who ran over to help her girlfriend. Gaile's skin was changing to fur... her ears morphing to the top of her head.

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