Welcome to Despair

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Everyone headed through the green lit hallway to what we assumed to be the gym. Upon arrival we were greeted with a sight.... Of emptiness....

Robby: Whoever the sick bastard is that's keeping us here better show themself!!

Karl: Yeah! Don't make me shoot you!!

Harley: Dumbass! How can you shoot them if you cant see them?!

Karl: When did I ask for your opinion you little bitch?!

Robby: Leave her alone she's just a kid!!

Karl: Why should I?!

Robby clenched his fists and moved pungently towards Karl. He repeatedly swung his fists at him in a fit of rage.

Robby: She's just a kid you bas-....!!!

Rose: Please stop this!! Fighting won't solve anything!

Robby: ....Okay.....

He lowered his fists calmly and regained his composure.

Robby: Thanks.... I almost got out of hand...

Rose: It's fine, just try not to let him get to you.

Robby: I'll try...

Just as the room started to feel calm again, the demonic laughter sounded once again. Only this time it was closer.

???: Upupupupupu!

Arita: W-what was that...?

Karl: Show yourself!

Robby: Who are you, bastard!?!

Monokuma: IIIII'm Monokumaaaa!

The monochrome bear jumped up from behind the stage and looked all of us over

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The monochrome bear jumped up from behind the stage and looked all of us over.

Robby: What the fuck is that thing?!

Martin: It's some kind of bear.

Henry: That's not like any bear I've ever seen before.

Harley: It looks so ugly!

Monokuma: Hey! Do you not want to know why I've gathered you here?!

The room suddenly quieted down so that we could hear what he wanted to say.

Monokuma: I want you to kill each other!

Robby: What?!?!

Monokuma: If you ever want to leave this school again you have to kill each other. Or you could always spend the rest of your lives locked up here. Your choice.

Michael: N-no this can't be happening!

Maddie: This isn't real. I'm gonna wake up and this'll all just be a dream. No, a nightmare.

The tension level went from zero to one hundred as everyone completely lost their cool.

Rose: W-why would you do this...?!

Todd: So this is your game, huh? So what else is in it for us? Surely you must have an extra trick up your sleeve to give us that extra push.

Monokuma: You're a sharp one aren't ya? Well since you asked I guess I have no reason not to tell you.

???: No!

Robby: What the hell?!

Usami: Don't worry my students, Usami is here to save you!

With a flick of her magic stick she struck Monokuma, sending him flying across the hall

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With a flick of her magic stick she struck Monokuma, sending him flying across the hall.

Monokuma: How dare you do that to me!! I guess I'll just have to put you back to the way I like it!

There was a bright light flash of light which left us all temporarily blinded. By the time I had gotten my sight back, Usami was nowhere to be seen. However, in her place was what seemed to be her, but looked more like Monokuma.

 However, in her place was what seemed to be her, but looked more like Monokuma

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Monokuma: Introducing my new little sister, Monomi! Puhuhuhuhuhuhu!

Monomi: Agh! What's happened to me?! Even the display changed!

Monokuma: Someone fix that fourth wall, Monomi just broke it!

Monomi: Never mind that, there's no way they're gonna kill each other! As their teacher it's my job to protect them!

Robby: Since when is this chick our teacher?

Alex: Is that all you care about right now?!

Monokuma: Oh so you care about your class that much? I guess I'll just have to destroy that hope! Puhuhuhu!

Suddenly a dozen spears shot out of the ground, each one pearcing through Monomi and holding her above the ground. She shuddered desperately and tried to speak.

Monomi: ........ I'll ..... Be....... Back......

And then silence....

That incident was all it took to show us of Monokuma's true power. Everyone was terrified at what they'd witness, little did they know that would soon become a normal thing.

Monokuma: Any more questions? Nope. You may all head to your assigned rooms. Tata! Puhuhuhuhuhuhu!

And with that he left....

Danganronpa- A New Term of KillingWhere stories live. Discover now