The Bad Boy Is At My House

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"One caramel latte to go, please" I smile. "To go? Why don't you stay a while?" Austin is next to me leaning on the counter. "Because, I have things to do."

I sit down at an empty table. "Like what, homework?" He sits uninvited, in the seat across from me. "Nope. I'm a journalist."

He pretends to be stunned. "Oh my, fancy." I resist the urge to laugh at his stupidity. "Fancy indeed. You here to meet your secret girlfriend?" He laughs.

"You really don't want me to be gay, do you?" I look down at my hands. "That's not it." He peers curiously at me. "Then what is it?" I look up at him, accidentally making eyes contact.

"Miss Dolores!" The cashier lady sets my latte on the counter. "Thank you." I pick it up and start to towards the door. "So, where are you headed?" Austin trails after me. "Home. You care to join me?" I turn around to flash him a quick smile. "To your top secret layer? Sure. On one condition."

I stop walking and look at him. "We take my bike." He motions toward the red Kawasaki in the lot.


The whole ride home was scary. I was holding on for dear life and I'm pretty sure Austin exceeded the speed limit. Typical bad boy, right?

We stop in my driveway and I quickly hop off. "Scared?" Austin gets off much more gracefully. "No." I straighten out my green blouse and bustle to the door.

"I'm home!" I shut the door behind me. I go into the living room where my dad and my brother, Connor sit. "Hey, how was -" He stops when he sees Austin.

"Just in time." My mum comes into the living room and sets down a bowl of popcorn on the table. "We were gonna start the movie without you, but you're here now so, luck is on your side." My mum for a moment before she notices Austin. My mum has ADHD so, she's normally like this.

"Oh." She stops and looks at us. "Um..." I smile at my family. "Sorry, I stopped for coffee." I wave the empty coffee cup. "Kiley..." Austin leans in the doorway, taking in the scene.

"I'm Ingrid, Kiley's mum and this is -" I walk over to Austin and grab his wrist. "We'll be upstairs." I pull him up the stairs and into my room. "Nice room." My room is decorated with various colours of green and blue.

"Beach themed?" I nod. "Yep." He sits down on my blue and green bedspread. "Why the snow globes?" I have snow globes everywhere in my room from the stores I've been to and vacations I've been on. "They're my thing."

I lay down on my bed with my laptop. "Close the door?" Austin gets up off the bed and shuts the bedroom door. "We're gonna do a questionnaire." He raises and eyebrow.

"First question, if you see a cute girl, what do you do?" Austin looks at me. "What type of questionnaire is this?" I smile at him. "Just answer the question, Austin."

"I say hi." I type in his response. "Question two, if a girl wanted you to have sex with her, what would you do?"

"I'd refuse."

"Question three, is this girl hot?" I turn the screen to him. "Mildly cute."

"Question Four, if a guy that was your best friend and he had a crush on you, what would you do?"

"Ask him on a date."

"Last question, do you think you're gay?" Austin smirks at me. "Nope, I know I'm gay." I playfully roll my eyes at him.

"The results are in. Drum roll please..." Austin drums on the nightstand. "You. Are. Um..." I stare at the screen. "Bisexual but you lean more towards guys..." Austin and I both laugh. "Nice." He says

"Now," he takes my laptop. "I gotta question you." I open my mouth to object but decide against it.

"Question One, a girl has a crush on you do you A) tell her off B)ignore her C) try to have a relationship with her?"
I look at Austin. "What questions are these? Why do I have answer choices?" Austin smirks at me. "It's the one I picked, now answer.

" B."

"Question Two, A girl flirts with you, do you A) playfully flirt back B) embarrass her by going off C)Pretend to be dating the person the sits two seat over in your trigonometry class."

"Bart? No thanks. I'll stick with A." Austin raises his eyebrows at me.

"Question Three, if Emma Watson asks you out do you A)date her B)tell her to bugger off C) play hard to get?"


"Your results...." I drum on my bed post. "You are a lesbian."

"What?" I flip the computer around. On the screen in pink letters it says, Congratulations, you're a lesbian. Not only that, your answer choices point to the fact that you may be a lipstick lesbian and you're caring but quite a tease.

Austin starts laughing. "Oh, shut up." I laugh with him. "I'm a lesbian and you're bisexual." We laugh harder.

I roll off my bed and hit the floor. "Ow!" Austin continues to laugh. "Here." He reaches out a hand to pull me up but I pull him down. He hits my lamp on the way down.

"Is everything alright?" My dad sticks his head in the space between the door and the wall. His eyes widen at the sight of me and Austin laying on the floor all tangled up in the lamp cord.

"Should I come back later?" He opens the door, stepping in. "Nah." Even if I wanted him to, he wouldn't have. Austin stands up and the helps me up. "Well, I gotta go. I'll see you downstairs." He grabs his eyes off the nightstand and exits the room.

My dad wits until he's sure Austin is gone before speaking. "That your boyfriend?" I shake my head. "We're just friends." He narrows his eyes. "Sure....he looks like he wants to be more than friends." My dad waggles his eyebrows.

"Ew, stop with the eyebrows. Besides, he just came out as gay to me this morning." My dad looks shocked. "I know right! I never thought he was." My dad shakes his head. "Don't judge a book by it's cover. Now get downstairs, your man's waiting."

I grab my jacket and go downstairs where Austin is chatting up my mum and brother. "...and honestly it was just wow -" he stops when he sees me. "Ready?" I nod. "Yeah." Austin stands up.

"Be back by ten." I look at my mum. "We're just going to get my car from the lot." She smiles at me. "You do that then." Connor does a very noticeable wink. At fourteen years, Connor can't wink on his life.

We go outside and Austin climbs onto his bike. "You coming, baby?" He exaggerates the last word. "Hell yeah, babe." I hop on the back and straddle him.

The café is closed by the time we get there. "Good night, Austin." I get off and wave. "Good night, Kiley." He revvs the bike three timed and then speeds off faster than he did when I was there.

I get in my car and shut the door. It's almost like Austin wasn't being "bad boy" tonight. What if it's all just an act to cover up for something? To cover up for what?

I drive slowly back home. When I get home, I'm exhausted. "I'm gonna head up for bed." I hug my family members and go upstairs. The bedspread on my bed is displaced. As I go to fix it, a little bit of a sparkle catches my eye.

It's glitter. Yet, another mystery that won't be solved tonight. I strip off my blouse, jeans, and shoes, and get into bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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