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When I say gender equality,
Am not telling the male folks , to get lost or become a dormant...

Am saying ,
Give our voices audience,
Respect our femininity ,
Place us on the same page....
Equal education...
Equal earning power,
And please...
Don't confine us to the back seats of taxis and buses ...

I know ,
The price of gender equality, is said to be high.
But no matter what,
Am supporting change to empower and engage women , because its critical for prosperity.

No country, economy, society or community can thrive...
When half of its population is marginalised ,
and since we're working towards a better future,
It's not only the right thing to do but the smart thing to do.

Women's right are human right.
Be that change you need to see ,
Because it will affect you and I.

Please stop gender inequality.

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