An Island For A Home

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I hate sleeping on a boat, I wake up for no apparent reason every hour. Im so tired most of the time I cant even think straight, I have kept it together, I cant fall apart. We are on the right track to the island, we should be there today. Its been about 1 week on the boat. Laurence is being questioned by everybody, he's a pretty nice guy once he takes off his hood and says his name. Laurence agreed to do that soon once he knew everyone. Everyone is tired of being on the boat, I tell everyone we should be there soon. Some people didn't want to come with us, I sent them somewhere they can be safe. So we have, Alexandra, Matt, Lucas, Laurence, Gene, Celine, Rain and Boa, including me. I find Laurence interesting, I feel like I have something in common with him. "Morning" Lucas tapped my shoulder. "Hey" I smirked. "You sound tired" Lucas looked at me. "Is it obvious?" I looked at Lucas. "Not really" Lucas shrugged. "That's good" I smirked again. "Its just the way you smirk that gives it away" Lucas laughed a bit. I laughed a bit too. "Oh wow, your nice" I rolled my eyes sarcastically. Lucas smirked. "I sense something about him" Lucas looked at Laurence, standing where he usually is. "What?" I looked at Lucas. "Something, like I know him" Lucas shrugged. "I do too" I nodded and looked at Lucas also. "It's weird, I asked Matt about it too," Lucas shrugged "He didn't feel that way". "Yea, I should ask L- Him about it" I nodded slowly. "What?" Lucas had a puzzled look. "Did I say something?" I pretended that I didn't say anything. "You were about to" Lucas eyes widened a bit. "Uhh..umm Pfffft! No!" I laughed. "Uhh" Lucas laughed a bit too. "Whatever, I didn't say anything" I smiled. "Alright then" Lucas smiled too. "We see land!" Matt yelled excitedly. I looked at everyone at the front of the ship. I came over "What's going on!". I went to the front. "Look" Matt pointed at the map and the island. "This should be it" I studied the map. Lucas was still where we were talking, I looked back and gave a thumbs up. Lucas smiled back. Everyone wanted to get off the ship. "Everyone grab your own tent from the bed-room and start setting up on the island when we arrive" I looked at the bed-room door and pointed, everyone ran to the bed-room. I took a deep breath after everyone went to the bed-room. "So, its hard, I get it" Laurence smirked. "How would you know?" I looked back at Laurence. "Ehh, it's one of my tricks" Laurence laughed very faintly. "Who are you?" Matt seemed a bit forward and a little angry, not noticeably. "Who am I?" Laurence turned around "I have a hard time with trust". "Why cant you trust us?" Matt seemed a little offended. "Something that happens" Laurence shrugged. "Oh so that's-!" Matt was being interrupted by me pushing him to the ground. "Your strong" Matt seemed to be shocked enough to be in a little pain. "Well im sorry, Mr. Everyone has to trust me!" I was getting offended by Matt. Matt face palmed. Laurence laughed a little. "How did you get that tough, like you weren't that strong before" Matt was breathing heavy while having his hand on his chest. "Well, I've been in training" I smiled. Matt face palmed again, "Ok". Matt got up and walked away. "You are getting tough, although Matt is pretty scrawny" Laurence had a smile. "Lucas is the one that I wouldn't have pushed down" I laughed a bit. "Oh, id have enough guts to push him down any day" Laurence smirked. "Lucas is a different person from Matt" I smirked too. "Well I can tell that, Lucas is definitely a guard type" Laurence nodded. I looked back and saw Matt and Lucas lowering the long piece of wood onto the island. Everyone was there with tents, waiting to be let out of the boat. Laurence seemed to like the boat. "Riften!" Alexandra came up to me. "Hey! What's up?" I looked at Alexandra. "Well, I made You, me and Gene bathing suits" Alexandra seemed proud of herself. "Oh really?" I smiled. "Oh yea!" Alexandra handed me a bathing suit. "Oh wow" I laughed a bit. Alexandra went and got changed with Gene. "So, what's up with her" Laurence stood there, with his hands in his pockets. "Well, she likes doing things" I laughed. "Ironic" Laurence smirked, he always does. I decided to get changed in my bedroom on the ship. I got out, Gene and Alexandra were already on the beach and swimming. I came to the edge of the ship, "How deep is it?" I yelled at them below. "You could dive, but its pretty high up" Gene nodded. Laurence watched me, "Are you seriously gonna dive?". "Sure, why not?" I looked at Laurence. "Well, your jumping 25 feet and you could break your neck and die" Laurence nodded. "Well, I wont" I laughed quietly. Matt and Lucas were watching me, everyone was setting up their tents. I jumped and did a canon ball. I hit the water, and jumped back up. I was laughing, "That was awesome!". Gene and Alexandra laughed with me. Laurence got off the ship finally after 10 minuets. Laurence stopped, I could tell he didn't have a good vibe. I got out of the water, "You okay?" I whispered beside Laurence. "I can hear something, its ringing in my ears" Laurence whispered back. "I cant hear anything besides people talking" I whispered back. "I have this weird hearing thing" Laurence ran towards the forest and stopped near the tree's. I watched him, he stood there. I went to dry off. When I came back, he was sitting there, I decided to leave him alone. "Did you have fun?" Alexandra came up to me. "Yea" I nodded. Alexandra and Gene went to dry off. I looked at the sun setting already, Matt and Lucas set me up a tent, so I decided to go to bed. The tent has doors, everyone's tents do. I sat in my tent and started reading old stories about lords. I then went to sleep, hopefully getting a good night's one.

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