It Follows Us All

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Everyone is fine with Laurence now, they think he's just a bit shy. Matt's doing better, his vision is blurry and he can hear pretty well. Lucas is helping him a lot. Laurence likes to swim with me, Alexandra, Gene and Lucas. I think its nice that Laurence is doing things he didn't do before. Lucas and Matt know about the little area now, Laurence and I started training there now too. We have all the houses done now but mine, it should be done today. Laurence said he can live in a tent until everything else is done. It makes absolutely no sense. Nothing overall has been that new, its kind of crazy. This was the first time Laurence didn't wake me up, but I got up at the time he wakes me up. I looked around my tent and then went outside. Lucas and Matt hanging in their house, Alexandra and Gene writing stuff in the book Laurence gave them and the builders finishing my house. I went over to the girls, "Morning". "Oh hey Riften-sweet" Gene smiled. "Hey, what's up?" Alexandra smiled also. "Well, do you know where Laurence is?" I sat down. "I think he went to the "little area" maybe" Alexandra looked at me. "Oh okay, well has Lucas said anything about Matt?" I brought that in too. "Nope, you should go check on Matt" Alexandra smirked. "I should, well I guess Ill go do that" I stood up and went to Matt and Lucas's house. "Hey" I walked inside. "Oh morning" Matt waved. "Where's Laurence?" Lucas was expecting him to be here. "Im gonna go find him soon, what's up?" I sat down. "Nothing much, just hanging out" Matt smirked. "Cool, how are you doing?" I looked at Matt. "Fine, Im a descendent, that's the only problem" Matt laughed a little. "Well, that's good" I nodded. "But, how are you?" Lucas looked at me. "Im fine, excited though" I smiled. "And go find Laurence, we will be here" Matt smiled. "Ok, I probably should go make sure he's okay" I stood up. "Bye" Lucas and Matt waved. I left and went to the little area. I heard a little sound, Laurence wasn't there. I got my sword out and blocked Laurence's attack. "Your getting pretty good" Laurence laughed a bit. I smirked and Laurence blocked my attack. "But your not good enough" Laurence attacked me and I didn't block in time, Laurence held me up against a tree. I laughed, Laurence laughed along. He let me down and we hugged. "Morning" Laurence smiled. "We are like best friends now" I smiled too. "I guess so" Laurence nodded slightly. Laurence sat against the tree and I sat beside him. We looked at drawings and made more. We laughed together, Lucas was carrying Matt and they came to hang out. "What's Matt doing here?" Laurence smirked. "I wanted to get out" Matt smiled. "What are you guys doing?" Lucas sat down with Matt. "Drawing and talking" I handed Lucas my book. "Oh neat!" Lucas looked at the drawings. "What have you guys been talking about?" Matt seemed curious. Laurence laughed, "Ive been telling jokes and we talked about lords" I nodded. "Riften told me this one joke, it was hilarious" Laurence smiled. "She does tell good jokes" Lucas laughed too. I looked in the tree's, towards the town. "Do you see something?" Laurence put his hand on my shoulder. I stood up. Lucas and Laurence stood up. Lucas picked up Matt. I kept hearing something, I could tell Laurence could hear it too. I looked at Laurence and we ran back to the city. Lucas followed. We arrived and I could see another Laurence. I stopped. "What?" Laurence looked around. "You cant see that?" I pointed at the ghost Laurence. "No" Laurence walked forwards. I walked closer to it. It looked at me, "L-Laurence?" I backed up. "Yea?" Laurence came over to me. "Its getting closer" Ghost Laurence smirked evilly. "You okay" Laurence was behind me. "Its here" Ghost Laurence grabbed me and I passed out.
I woke up in a black room. "Laurence?" I looked around "Lucas?" I walked around "Matt?". I fell, "LAURENCE! LUCAS! MATT PLEASE!" I was scared. I sat up, I was crying, scared, I tried to move around. I was trapped, I couldnt move. "Just be more careful" I heard Laurence say. "Laurence?" I looked around. "Am I aloud to kiss you?" Matt sounded okay. "STOP!" I kept crying. Fear. Fear. Fear. FEAR. FEAR. FEAR. That's all I felt. "Riften!" I heard Lucas yell. "STOP SCARING ME! YOUR SCARING ME! STOP!" I kept yelling. "Your scared?" I heard someone say. "Stop taunting me!"" I looked up. It was someone I didn't recognize. "Im looking for your power, your "sprit" lets say" The man kneeled down in front of me. "LAURENCE HELP ME!" I tried moving back. The man started choking me. "Stop struggling, I know your weakness" The man disappeared. "I love you Laurence" I heard myself say. I saw a picture in front of me. "I will never do anything to hurt you, you know I love you" Laurence looked straight into the picture. "You need to know, im your guard, im trying not to hurt you" Matt seemed upset. "PLEASE STOP, please stop" I repeated, over and over again. "Move on, he's gone, your hurting everyone" Lucas seemed hurt. "I DONT GET IT" I screamed. "Im following you" The man tapped my shoulder. I turned around. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Something was hurting me, a grudging pain inside my chest. A snapping feeling, almost like something was telling me, I would feel this soon, something telling me it was love. I cried, I kept feeling the salty tears running down my face. "w-w-w-w-w-w-w" I heard myself mumbling. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard myself scream, it hurt my ears. "HELP ME, I HAVE TO BE DEAD, I HAVE TO BE!" I screamed and I saw color.
"Your fine, your fine Riften!" I heard Laurence. I grabbed something, it was Laurence's leg. "help me" I said very softly. "Riften what happened?!" Laurence seemed worried. "I don't know, it hurt me Laurence, it hurt me" I felt my chest. "What hurt you?" Laurence put his hand on my hand that was on my chest. "Someone, he's coming for me" I was crying again. "Stop it your fine, im here" Laurence hugged me. I hugged back. I saw Lucas and Matt behind Laurence. "You were screaming our names" Lucas seemed extremely concerned. "I don't remember" I held Laurence as he held me. "You were choking" Matt seemed concerned too. "I can barely breath" I was hyperventilating. "You were screaming the whole time you were out" Laurence laid me down. "Something's wrong" I tried to breath normally. "Just go to bed, you need it" Laurence smiled. "Laurence" I felt his hair. "Ill stay here until you fall asleep" Laurence held my head as he sat down. "You guys can go, keep guard" Laurence smiled. The guys smiled and left. It had to be pretty late. I fell asleep, and Laurence fell asleep with me. Laurence kept me company. I seriously love him being my best friend. Matt and Lucas, I love them the exact same way. Im scared though, the whole time i was asleep, fear. fear. fear. fear. fear. fear. fear. fear. That's all.

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