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(I'm so sorry for the long wait, here is the next chapter)

Before they could continue there was a knock at the door, Mark jumped up and quickly got the door,
Jack sat there trying to look normal but it was hard when you are a poor person in a huge mansion.

Jacks perspective

I see Mark run to his bedroom door and open it shyly, I see a maid standing there and I hear them talk for a bit,
I look away and start to think of what they are talking about. A few minutes pass and Mark walks over and puts his hand out,
"you ready for dinner?" He says with a smile. I look at him shocked and say,
"dinner?" I say shocked
"Um yes silly, I invited you to dinner with my parents" he responded

"O....ok" I say covering my face and start to blush

                Time skip

Marks perspective
It's almost 6:00 when we walk to the dining room and I'm holding jacks hand, I hope my parents don't mind that I brought a friend over, I really like him and I don't want them to dislike him, I want to ask him out after dinner so let's hope dinner goes well.
"Don't be nervous Jack, my parents are very nice"
"Really? I'm sorry I'm just not used to mansions and stuff like this"
" there's nothing to be sorry about, you'll be fine, trust me"

Sorry for another quick ending
I'm real busy and need to get work done,

Keep reading
Love you all >~<

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