Getting ready for the night.

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Eiffel's POV:

After shopping John took me home so I could get ready. What am I going to say to dad. I need to tell him that I'm ready. I am on the pill, I have been on the pill for about a week now so it should be affective. I just don't know how to tell dad. Hmm maybe I should talk to Cassie then she can talk to dad about it. Hmm not sure.

I walked inside to see Benny sitting on the lounge.

"Hey Ben."

"Hey Eiff how are ya."

"Yeah I'm good. You?"

"Yeah I'm good. You look worried. Is everything ok?"

"Umm well. You know that John is taking me out somewhere tonight and staying somewhere."


"Well I think... well."

"You think you are ready and tonight is the night?"

"Yes how did you know..." I was cut off.

"Eiffel I'm your brother. Yeah ok I wasn't around a lot when you were growing up but I still know you well enough."

"Yeah I guess so." I'm still worrying what dad will say.

"Eiff don't worry about it. It is natural to feel this way. It's not unnatural to loose it at this age."

"I'm not worried about that. It's dad what will I say to him. He is going to flip."

"Don't worry about him. I think he knows it might happen tonight. I think John has hinted it to him." Ok I didn't think John was ready but I guess he is if he hinted it to my dad.

"Ok. Well do you know where dad is."

"He is in his study like usual." That is true dad is always in his study.

"Ok thanks for helping me out."

"That's ok."

I walked off to find dad, and Ben was right he was in his study like usual.

"Hey dad."

"Hey sweetie. I thought you would be on you way by now."

"No John is picking me up around 5:30. I don't have long though."

"Well go and get ready I don't want you to be late."

"Dad I have to talk to you first."

"Is it about tonight?"

"Yeah it is."

"I think I know what you want to talk about and I'm totally fine with it. Just go have fun tonight. Just be protected. I don't want any grand babies yet." OMG really dad is fine with it. Wow.

"Don't worry dad you won't have any grand babies yet." Well I hope not.

I went up stairs to get ready. I got out my over night bag and started to pack it when Kim came in.

"Hey Eiffel. Do you need any help getting ready." Oh yes I do. Kim is doing a beauty degree at the moment. I would love it if she could do my hair and make-up.

"Yeah if you don't mind. Could you do my hair and make-up."

"Yeah sure."

"Thanks. I will just quickly pack clothes for tomorrow and have a quick shower."

"Yeah yeah that's alright." Kim walked out of the room. About ten minutes later she was walking back in with her make-up and hair box.

After I packed my bag I went for a shower and washed my hair. Once I was done I got out and got into my dressing gown.

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