Court House

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Eiffel's POV

We have just arrived at the court house and I'm shaking. I'm so scared.

"Iffel." Sophia ran up to me.

"Soph oh my god I have missed you." I picked her up and gave her a massive hug.

"I have missed you too Iffel." I love how she still calls me Iffel. She never use to be able to say my name right. Now it's just stuck and that's my nickname.

"Get sweetie."

"Hey dad are we going in soon?"

"Yeah we are about to go in now. Are you ok sweetie?"

"Yeah I'm alright. I'm just nervous."

"Don't be everything to turn out right. let's go in." I just nodded and put Soph down. I told her to go back to mum because at this put mum still has rights over Soph but hopefully soon that will change.


7th June 2011

This day was the worst day of my life. A day after my 16th birthday I find myself in court being taken away from my father. My mum wants full custody of me and my sister. That means I'm not aloud to see my father at all. Why does this have to happen a day after my 16th birthday and only 2 days after my sisters birthday. Does my mum want to purposely ruin our lives.

I was called up to the stand to be questioned.

"Ok Eiffel how close are you to your father?" This guy asked me.

"Yes I am really close to him."

"Ok would you say he is a healthy father."

"Yes he is."

"Who would you rather live with your mother or father. You can not pick both."

"Ok for starters you can not tell me I can not pick both. I love both my mother and father. It is not right for a child to pick who they are going to live with. I want to live with both of my parents. I'm 16 years old and I should have a right to say who I want to live with."

"Well ok so you want to go back and forth from two different homes? do you think that is a healthy thing to do?"

"Yes something the is not healthy is being taken away from someone you love. I don't want to be taken away from my father or my mother. I would prefer to travel back and forth from two houses so a have a healthy relationship with both of my parents."

"Ok thank you. You may step down."

By then I was fuming.

Let's get right down to the chase.

They accused my father if being a unhealthy father but from what I said I was aloud to see him when ever I wanted without Soph around. I still wasn't happy.

End of flashback

Well about a month later we were called back into court and they told us that Soph was aloud to see dad once a month.

This is what I'm scared about. I hate court.

"Princess are you ok?" John asked.

"Yeah why?"

"I think you were off in fairyland."

"Oh sorry I'm just really scared."

"Oh princess did you have that lash back again of when you were in court last?"

"Yeah I did."

"Try and put that behind you ok."

"I'll try."

"Please all stand" one of the policemen said. We all stood and the judge came out. We were told we were aloud to sit and we did so.

"Ok so Mr Jade you are here to get your daughter off you ex wife."

"Yes" dad replied.

"I will like to call up Eiffel Hade to the stand." The judge said. I stood up, let go of John's hand and walked to the stand. I sat down.

"Now Eiffel can you please tell me why you think Sophia should be taken away from you mother and step father?" One of the lawyers asked me.

"My mother and Mick are not healthy parents. When I was living with them I was being verbally abused by Mick. When I took Sophia out one day she told me everything that has been happening."

"Ok so what did Sophia say to you?"

"Sophia told me that Mick was forcing her to call him dad and threatening her that if she didn't call him dad or father he would hurt her. as well Sophia told me that Mick was abusing mum."

"Has your mother told you that Mick has hurt her."

"Yes she has"

"Ok so you think your father is a healthy parent."

"Yes. He is. My dad is a loving father and would do anything for his kids. I know that for sure and I know he wouldn't hurt us. That is not him."

"Ok thank you Eiffel." I stepped down and walked back over to John. I think I'm still shaking.

"You did well princess." John whispered to me. I smiled in reply.

After a long afternoon in court we finally got to hear what the verdict would be.

"Ok Mr Jade I would like to say you have full custody of Sophia Jade." The judge said.

I felt relived. I am so happy.

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