Chapter One.

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Hannah's P.O.V.

I glanced at the mirror one last time before making my way outside. I need to start walking or I'd be late for school. Yeah, school. Being 16 years old means education. Like I'm not smart enough. I grunted and moved faster. I whistled the tune from Yo ho! by Blood On The Dance Floor. I looked up to see the school sign, and sighed in relief. Time passed by quicker than I thought. I chuckled softly and moved towards the entrance and opened the doors, stepping inside. I glanced around, the halls crowded, as always. I groaned and made my way to my locker. As I reached it, I felt someone jump onto my back with giggle. I gasped and quickly grabbed the back of the person's thighs who were clinging onto me. I turned my head to see those familiar blue eyes. I let out what sounded like a purr. 

"Michelle." I murmured softly. She jumped off my back and turned me towards her. 

"You guessed right, love." She snickered. "Or more like, baby, since you think that's hilarious." I giggled at her calling me baby, and she cut me off by cupping my face with her hands. She pulled me close and smashed her lips against mine. I gasped but kissed back. 

"Well, well, well, what have we here?" I heard the sexy, deep voice. Sexy? Really, Hannah. I turned my head away from Michelle to look up at Alex. He grinned down at me. 

"Ew, I thought I smelt assmunch." I hissed at him with a grin. Alex was my ex-boy friend. He dumped me for the most popular girl in school, Reena. 

"Hey, no need to be mean to him." Scoffed another voice. Alexander. The other Alex. I call him Xander so I don't confuse the Alex's.

"I'll do what I please, Xander." I grinned and poked him. I turned to see the rest of my friends approach. I listed off their names as I saw them. Rai, Melissa, Tommy, Chloe, Sydney, and... Zoey. 

Chloe ran up to me and wrapped her hands around my neck. She plopped a kiss on my cheek and giggled. "Hannah, mate!" She was Australian.

"Hey, don't be gettin' too friendly." Michelle pouted and I laughed. I let my eyes drift over to Zoey momentarily, who was standing there quietly, not sure what to say. I wouldn't blame her. She didn't really know these people, as I met them on the interenet. I waddled over to her and gave her a big hug.

"ZOEY! HOW DARE YOU GIVE ME NO HUG?!" I raged playfully. Apparently I said the word 'hug' too loud because I happened to attract two people I dispised right now. Macaulay and Justin. Hell no.

Macaulay came over and wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me. He ran off, with me screaming curse words at him to put me down. Then he finally did.

"Don't you have some whores to molest?" I snapped at him.

"Only you, boo." He winked at me playfully.

"Fuck. Off." I hissed. 

I saw a flash of brown hair and Macaulay was pinned to the ground.

"No need to fear! Michelle is here!" I laughed as Zoey ran after her.

"Hold em' down, I'll beat him with this book!" Zoey growled. Macaulay's eyes widened and he scrambled away in fear and in laughter. 

Me, Zoey, and Michelle continued to laugh, until I heard a familiar sweet little voice.

"Howdy! What y'all laughin' about?" Beamed Erick.

I blushed and shook my head. "Nothing."

He blinked in confusion and waved it away. I giggled, and he giggled back in a creepy way. I gasped at him and he burst out laughing.

The bell rang and we all split to class. I had all classes with Erick and Zoey.

Nothing really exciting happened the rest of the school. Except that I blushed a few times when mine and Zoey's hands brushed or something.

I was crazy.


The bell rang, letting us out of school. I walked with Zoey, and Timberly decided to join us as well. 

"So what do you guys wanna do this evening?" Zoey asked.

"I heard of that there's an awesome club in town. You guys wanna check it out this evening?" I grinned, mischeiviously. It wouldn't be my first time getting drunk, they all knew that. Zoey looked at me uncertainly, she knew how I was when I was drunk. Timberly looked at me with a devious grin as if it were the perfect chance to seduce me. Which was probably true.

"Hannah...those clubs are full of creepers and rapists. It sounds really fun, as I love to party, but a club?! I dunno."

"Please." I begged. "No one has to know. Not even my girlfriend, Michelle, has to know."

Zoey gazed at me and then sighed. "Fine."

"YIPPEE!" I shouted. Then I froze. "Where the hell did that come from?"

Timberly and Zoey burst out in laughter. I paused before joining in.

"Anyway, so when are we going?" Timberly asked.

"Bout 7." I stated.

"Let's go get ready to part-tay. By the time we get to Zoey's  house, it'll be 5." I grinned.

We rushed to her house, not exchanging anymore words.


I tore through Zoey's wardrobe, looking for the perfect dress. I grabbed at a short black one. I stood in the room with Zoey and Timberly as they searched for their dresses. I didn't think anything about and just started stripping off my clothes in front of. Timberly stared at me with smirk. Zoey froze, a slight blush on her face. I blinked in surprise. I shrugged it off, only in a bra and panties. 

"Hey guys, do I look fantabulous in my batman bra and panties?" I posed for them with a grin. They burst out laughing. "Hey, I think I'll just go like this. It's pretty comfy, ya know?" I then smirked. "Why don't ya'll join me on the couch?" Timberly and Zoey glanced at eachother. 

"BRA AND UNDIE PARTY." Timberly screamed, and took off her clothes. Zoey chuckled and hesitated before doing the same. Zoey moved to sit down on the couch. I crawled over to her, sitting on her lap and squeezing her thigh. "Mommy!" I wailed and wrapped my arms around her neck and pulled her as close as possible. 

"What, child?!" Zoey chuckled, poking at my side. I squealed softly and crawled off her lap. She tackled me, pinned me down, and began to tickle me. I squirmed and blushed madly. Zoey's face was close to mine, lips inches apart, her black hair dangling in front of my face. I gasped softly and leaned in. I was millimeters away from pressing my lips to hers, when Timberly tackled Zoey.

"Come on! We gots to get ready." She screamed, obviously irritated. 

I got up, blushing. "Oh yeah.."

I slipped on the black dress that cover half of my thigh, and slipped on my converse. I put in my piercings and brushed my hair into my face. We all met up in the living room when we were finished. I looked so slutty compared to them. I purred. "

"Who's ready to have a good time?" I grinned. We all exchanged highfives. When my hand touched Zoey's, I studied her face as we touched. She showed no signs of even acknowledging the almost-kiss. Phew.

"Come on, let's go!" Timberly shouted, and we all ran out into the street, yelling and screaming happily.

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