Chapter Two.

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Hannah's P.O.V

Zoey, Timberly and I stood at the NightCLub entrance. I took a deep breath before opening the doors, and stepping in. It was surprisingly full of teenagers and elderly alike. I wrinkled my nose. It stunk. It smelt of smoke and alchohol, but hey! You get used to it. They play some pretty sick beats, too! 

They had karaoke too.

I gasped and stared at Zoey with a huge grin on my face.

"Wha-" Zoey started.

"Karaoke-time." I smirked.

"Oh hell no."

"How about now?"


I groaned and we moved about the club. It wasn't really fun. That is, until I got extremely drunk off of Vodka. I can't believe those men bought me those drinks! I stumbled around.


Zoey's P.O.V.

At around 11 pm, Hannah let out an embarrasingly loud yawn. I blushed and decided it was time to head home. Timberly had left a long time ago. The NightClub had become quiet, but the buzz of loud music still radiated around us. Occasionally, a drunk couple would stumble into us, or a druken man would try to take us home. As I got Hannah home, figuring she had far too many shots of Vodka, she curled up in my lap as I sat on my bed. She reached up to stroke my cheek and I blushed once more. 

I sat her up to take off her shoes. I hesitated before peeling off her dress, leaving her in her bra and panties. I sat next to her and Hannah pulled me down onto the bed. She groaned when I pulled away to take off my shoes. She grabbed me and pulled me down again.


Hannah's POV

I  opened my eyes to see a girl. Michelle? Yeah...I think. I pulled her down after she took off her shoes. I wrapped my arms around her and tangled my legs between hers. I stroked Michelle's thigh, then brought my hands up to her face. "I love you, baby." I felt her face heat up. "You're so beautiful, Michelle."


Zoey's POV.

I froze. She thought I was Michelle. Hannah continued to pull my face closer and pushed her lips against mine. And for some reason, I kissed back. She slid her hands down my back making me shiver and she gave me a kiss on the neck. She made what sounded like a purring noise. I stared at her. What was I doing? I pushed away from her. She whined and grabbed me.

"Please don't leave me..." She sniffled.

"I love you." She grabbed my hands and laid her head on my chest and fell asleep. I sighed and figured she wasn't gonna let me go. So I slept, with Hannah, half-naked, grasping my body. How nice. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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