What happened at Black Mesa - Prologue

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What happened at Black Mesa - Prologue

"The events that arose on Monday the 8th of September, 1999 were arguably the most important occurrences in human history. Black Mesa, a facility shrouded in secrecy and hidden from the public had become the forefront of an inter-dimensional rift between two worlds; Earth had crossed paths with Xen. A Resonance Cascade ensued letting Xen creatures cross into our own world, the Earth's first extraterrestrial "alien" creatures; only speculation had availed to help spread news, for years the conspiracies had helped humans fear; and now that they had feared the worse, some had survived."
- A paragraph from the writings of Wallace Breen.

Location: Black Mesa Research Facility
Sector: C
Scientest: A. Slick
Date: Monday 12/28/99

Alex hated the Facility, his paranoia for choosing a job in the science track had led to his employment at the world's most discreet Military Base. Now he was always being followed by two large skinhead guards, who had nothing better to do than to make sure he didn't "fuck up" which made him dread every moment; especially now considering he was one of eight other scientists working in Sector C. The group were cheerful in their own ways, they had their picture taken in the lobby and it now hung, framed above Kleiner's desk; still they always felt "on edge" when working inside the facility, like all hell was about to break loose; which it was. Today he was with "Einstein" (as they liked to call him) in the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, they would be escorting Gordon with the crystal; a purest Xen form, it was exciting for him; the purer the better; they stood waiting... Einstein and himself.

"So... Einstein, where is Gordon?" - Slick asked, hoping that Freeman would be right around the corner; but before Luther could give his answer the doors slid open...

"Ahhh... here he is." - Slick spoke, the bearded scientist in his H.E.V. suit stood tall, his black framed glasses and goatee made him look like the "slick" one.

"I'm afraid we'll be deviating a bit from Standard Analysis Procedure today Gordon." - Slick crossed his arms, changing the schedule was commonplace when the government was involved; Einstein sought to ease the tension.

"Yes, yes, but with good reason. This is a rare opportunity for us, this is the purest sample we've seen yet..." - Slick hated Einstein's optimism, then again he knew he always had his cup half empty.

"...and potentially the most unstable." - Slick said, with a raise of his hand; anything could be a disaster in the facility; and today... he wasn't feeling lucky.

"Now, now, as long as we follow Standard Insertion Procedures everything will be fine..." - Slick didn't like the reassurance.

"...I don't know how you can say that! Although I will admit that the possibility of a Resonance Cascade Scenario is extremely unlikely, I just don't..." - Slick felt uncomfortable and a little nervous as Einstein cut him off...

"Gordon doesn't need to hear all of this... he's a highly trained professional, we've assured the administrator that nothing will go wrong." - For once Slick actually felt like Einstein was saying the right thing, he calmed himself and continued.

"Yes... you're right. Gordon, we have complete confidence in you." - Slick brushed himself off as Einstein continued.

"Well go ahead, let's let him in now..." Both Slick and Einstein took their stance infront of each Retinal Scanner, one on either side of the large bay door; they gripped it firmly, lowering their heads and waiting as it scanned; a small electronic beep followed by the whir and lowering of the heavy mechanic door ensued.

They watched on silently as Gordon disappeared into the Anti-Mass Spectrometer, the door closing behind him; making him vanish from view. Both men head to the control room, there is where they would be guiding him from...

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