Chapter 2

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TreeFall moodily walked to her moss bedding with her tail between her legs. " But why can't I" TreeFall meowed to herself blinking back a small tear. She curled up in a ball on her damp bedding, she moved slightly over as this bit was a small bit dryer. It had been raining throughout the night and managed to get in the dens but that wasn't anything to get moany about now.   TreeFall pushed herself up " I will go find my parents!"meowed TreeFall in a demanding voice. Pushing herself up she walked out her den. But then WhiteHeart the deputy came up, " And where are you off too" meowed the deputy making deep eyecontact with TreeFall. " Umm... off hunting like the usual we need food" lied TreeFall. WhiteHeart flicked his tail up and walked away off. TreeFall sighed and kept walking. She jumped over a lump off brown and orange leaves, they actually looked pretty nice until a small grey kit identified by the name LeafKit threw himself into the pile whilst running away from his sister. TreeFall lifted her paw up quickly jumping and hissed! " You two go play in the Nursery instead of here!" TreeFall demanded. Both the kits bowed there head. " sorry". TreeFall ignored there apology and walked out the camp. Her stomach rumbled, it was already half way through the day and she hasn't eaten yet! TreeFall sniffed the air as she walked, pointing her tail up she caught the smell of a pigeon... TreeFall crouched on her back peering through a bramble bush. She caught sight of a fat pigeon! She put one paw forewords and pulled her self along. The pigeon looked around, the birds wings began to open but TreeFall pounced out the bush and tackled it. She rolled around digging her teeth into the bird. TreeFall rolled back up and ate the pigeon. She kept walking after she ate the pigeon. The cat was quite calm until she heard a rustle in the bushes it sounded like a cat.. But specifically from HollowClan...

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