1 Year Anniversary!!!

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This is just a little special chapter that I wanted to write, because guess what a few days ago  was? The one year anniversary of me doing this book!

The actual anniversary was on October 25, which happens to be my dad's birthday XD. I've had a lot of fun with this book. It gives me a reason to have a weekly session of meme surfing! One of the hardest parts is when I have to delete memes from my photos for the week; I want to include them all, but there's just not enough days! 

So 14.5k reads in a year? Cool! That's really good! I'm proud with how far this has come. We're also at 1.64k votes and 180 comments. Can we make it to 2k votes?!

Also, thank you to everyone who is reading this, from the one time viewers to those who keep up with every chapter! You guys make this succeed as much as I do! I just do the work of updating, but you vote, view, and comment, which encourages me to update every day! I wish I could give a shout out to everyone who contributed, but that would be practically impossible. XD

I think I'm going to continue this for another year. The problem will be trying to not do redos. I'll have forgotten what I've posted. :3 Thank you again so much, and please continue voting, commenting, sharing, and eating cupcakes!!!

-Emrysstar ✨

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