Songs ;)

38 8 23

Okay so everyone reading this book knows a have a massive crush on a special someone.

And when you're in love with someone as much as am in love with this person, everything reminds you of them... Well apart from like really weird stuff, but ya get me.

So it was a normal day, or as normal it gets in the life of a Dorito pimp, and I was listening to music when 'Jet Pack Blues' came on and I just sat there listening to it like wow this describes my situation perfectly.

I really do love this person more than anyone I've ever loved before, it's like nothing compares to this feeling I have for them, it's a shame they probably don't love me back.

But from now on if I hear Jet pack blues I will always think of my crush.  Always hoping they listen to that song and think of me.

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