The Last Book

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Hello, wonderful readers. You asked for it, so here I am five years later with a third book! Better late than never, right?

Anyway, "The Truth" series was first published almost ten years ago on Quizilla. So it's old! Really old. And because of that, I've decided to go back and finally edit both books one and two. Slowly, but surely. I wanted to thank you all, though. For your love and support. This is the first story I have EVER completed and I know that's largely due to the fact that Indie and I have experienced a lot of the same pain and I used her to deal with things in my life I didn't understand.

But enough of that. I'm sure you're all wanting a sneak peek at the newest book. So here we go:

"Mine! Mine! Mine forever!" A wild cackle hit me hard. I hunched forward. Metallic. I could smell it now. The liquid I'd fallen into was blood. The tears slipped down my face harder. I was bleeding.

With shaking hands, I reached back for my neck. The open wound was pouring out blood. I could feel the warmth of my insides soaking my skin. I tried to scream, but my voice was stolen. I rolled up tighter into myself and started sobbing.

Plllleeeaaaaase feel free to comment! I know I've been horrible about getting back to you guys, but I promise I'll be better.
I love you all.

Peace, love, trilogies,


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