Tagitty Tag Numero Uno

46 3 69

PaperSwans tagged me to answer a few questions about myself. She is a great writer and shares my love for many fandoms, including Doctor Who and Marvel's Agents of Shield! (hint hint: go check out her books)

*I left an asterisk under a few questions because internet safety forbids me from answering them, but for the sake of anyone I tag who wants to answer them, I'm still writing the questions.

Do you like someone?

I don't have a huge "crush" or anything of that nature at the moment in real life, but my friend might tell you I have a slight obsession with the Flash. Truthfully, she would tell you I have a big obsession with the Flash, but we won't go down that road today in favor of all our sanities.

Do they like you back?


This reminds me of the most recent Doctor Who Christmas Special with *spoilers* River Song. Hehe. A reference has been made.

Single or taken?


Middle name?


If I could choose a middle name however, it would be Lorelai(yes, as in Gilmore). ;)  My parents nearly named me that anyway, and I do like the sound of it.

Last person you texted?

This would be a certain friend of mine. To honor the code of the asterisk, her name will not be mentioned, but the emojis next to her name are the two dancing girls with bunny ears and the caterpillar. The caterpillar is a long story dealing with Harry Potter and true love and caterpillars wielding sorcery. It's complicated. :P

Last song you listened to?

Douse the Flame by The Hunts. Not a really well known band, but I'm in love with their music. 

^^ the song ^^

(listen to it and love it)

Wattpad IRL BFF's?

I have five friends that I know have a Wattpad account.  They're cool people.  For the sake of the asterisk, once again I won't mention names or even account names. Sorry. They know who they are. :) That's what matters.


Do you have a millennium or two? Great. It's a long list. :D

PaperSwans replied FitzSimmons, which I definitely agree with.  But I have MTOP's, aka More Than One True Pairings.  The list includes but is not limited to:

Tenth Doctor/Rose (Doctor Who)

Eleventh Doctor/River (DW)

Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)

Kai/Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles)

Thorne/Cress (TLC)

Wolf/Scarlet (TLC)

I'll spare you the rest of the list. :)



Fun fact: I share my date of birth with a good friend of mine. It's pretty cool.

Lock screen?

My lock screen has a picture of a friend, but this is my home screen. :) John 16:33

Current home screen?

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Current home screen?


Why did you make your Wattpad account?

I was introduced to Wattpad by a friend, and had already been writing almost constantly. Sharing my work on Wattpad seemed to be a good step to take. Also, it's fun!

Tag twenty people.

Um. Well, that's not exactly as easy as it sounds. Here are four. Yes, just four. Sorry.

Dennythewriter EclecticReflection TheClandestineGerbil catter123abc

And now, I tag anyone reading to write in the comments whether they are participating in Nanowrimo this year! I'm considering it, but this would be my first year.  If you've done it in the past, what was your experience with it?



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