The Second Tag: Love Myself Challenge

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So I apparently missed being tagged for a many different challenges. The most important one, I think, is this one. So I'm doing it. Here. Today. Woohoo.

Thanks, PaperSwans for tagging me! I think this is such a great and positive challenge for every person to do, but I was especially happy to see this challenge because so many middle and high schoolers need this. So even if you're not specifically tagged and you're reading this, please step up to this challenge. You don't have to post it. Just give honest, thoughtful answers. You're worth so much.

Ahem hem. Let's begin.

Why are you doing #LoveMeChallenge?

a) PaperSwans tagged me :)

b) I consider a healthy view of self to be very important, and most of us do struggle with loving ourselves. Even though I know God made me in His own image, it's hard to love who He made me to be all the time. I want to encourage everyone to love themselves. God loves you. <3

A positive word that describes you?

Cheerful. I love to spread smiles. It's kinda the best feeling ever.

A note to the past you?

You're doing great. Don't worry, and don't overthink things. Don't get too easily embarrassed. Everyone is just a person. And you are so valuable just as you are. Trust me. You? Yeah, you. Your past mistakes aren't even a part of who you are, because God's forgiveness is strong and His love is mighty. Keep going. Grow.

A note to the future you?

I'm so happy for you that you made it this far! That's quite an accomplishment. Be brave, and follow what path God has set in your heart. If you don't know what to do, pray. If you still don't know what to do, give yourself time to figure it out. Thanks for not giving up.

An object of yours that you love?

Quite honestly, my bed.

A quote about beauty:

"He has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3:11

A fear you've overcome?

Acting on stage. I haven't entirely overcome this, and I don't know if I ever will, but the happiness that I get out of doing this far outweighs the cost of my fear now, and it's great.

Something you like about yourself?

That I'm a part of something huge. God's plan. And I love that.

Something that makes you beautiful?

Is it just me, or is this question hard to answer because I don't want to sound self-obsessed? But I've gotta be a good example and love myself, right? So I'll say my willingness to be myself. I don't always have it- in fact, I often don't. But I feel most beautiful when I'm myself- a real, flesh-and-bones person.

Something you love to wear?

My favorite tee shirts: either my two signed by friends or my Doctor Who one. Duh. ;)

What makes you unique?

I share many of my qualities- good ones and bad ones- with many other people. But if you put them all together? To quote Rocket Raccoon, "Ain't nobody like me, 'cept me." (subtle Marvel reference)

What makes you happy?

Good stories, whether in book form or on the big screen, family, friends, playing the piano, my cat, drama, the satisfaction you get after finishing hard mental work, and much more. MUCH more.

What makes you laugh?

A lot of things. Mainly friends and family, but the weirdest things make me laugh too, like those really odd random YouTube videos.

What makes you feel beautiful?

I feel the most beautiful when I wear my favorite clothes and hang out with friends. It's cool. Friends are the best.

Alrighty friends(meaning you too are indeed "the best"), have fun with this one, and love yourself! You're important. It's important you love yourself. So do the challenge yal, even if you don't post it!

Dennythewriter (You're awesome, I love you, and you should do this.)

shuheihisagi69 (It's been a while! I challenge you to love yourself! ;) )

catter123abc (Hope you do this! Let's start a movement.)

readerlark (You don't have to post this, but I think it's great just to think about! Love you.)

WaterDragon788 (It's been way too long! I really hope you do this and look forward to reading it.)

I tagged five people! Proud of me? It's one more than last time! Okay, see you later.

Willow <3

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