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"okay, mr. dun, seems like you're doing fantastic! its extremely impressive how well you've recovered. oh, and,"

dr. howell got a little closer to josh's ear.

"mr. joseph's a keeper, for sure."

josh silently smiled and tried as hard as he could not to laugh his guts out, but instead he let it all out and turned a bright red in front of tyler.

"what's so funny that you're all red, joshy?"

"oh, nothing."


"tell meeeeee, joshy!" tyler flopped onto the bed josh was sitting on and put his head on josh's lap, pouting.

"oh, just dr. howell said you're a keeper," tyler quickly deepened into a red blush and stuffed his face into josh's chest. "aw," josh spoke "cutie."

authors note

just some happy fluff before stuff goes down.

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