Prologue Part Two

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~Magnolia's P.O.V.~

I get home and I can't help but think, "What's wrong with me? Why aren't desirable enough to have a man?

I mean, I'm pretty... enough... am I just not good enough?" I make some tea and put on my nightgown. When I left my mother's mansion, I didn't expect to feel so lonely for so long. I thought getting away from that crazy woman would be the best thing that ever happened to me but... oh well. I sit in the living room of my small apartment and watch re-runs of That's So Raven. Why couldn't find someone as amazing as Devon in high school? All the guys at my school were either taken or gay. But I guess I couldn't do anything more about that.

As I'm about to drift away to a better time, I hear a jingling of keys outside my apartment.

"She should be sleeping by now, I can't believe my daughter?! Why would she get such a cheap apartment when she could afford so much more? Leave dirty places like this to the poor people!" My mom flusters.

I spring up in shock and in defense. I got this apartment because I didn't expect to be living in it that long. I still have boxes that never been unpacked in case I meet someone special and we get a house together. I guess i should've unpacked them five years ago.

I walked over to the door to unlock and open it. Only to see two big, burly men with tape and a sack. "Grab her!" My so called mother yells.

I'd scream but my mouth is already taped shut. I'd kick the guy who dared to bother my fortress of peace but I'm already stuffed in a sack?!

"Honey! This for your own good! I hate seeing you single... I mean sad! It looks bad on the whole family! Us Fiore's need to be strong, independent women who can get whatever they want!"

What ever happened to strong, independent women that don't need a man to be happy? UGHHH!!! I could only guess what type of place she's transporting me! I should've known she'd do this! THIS THE THIRD TIME SHE HAS DONE THIS! The first time was as at a beauty pageant where I won first place because mother paid the main judge in more ways than one. The second time was speed dating, which is how I ended up with Howard. She's probably going to tie me to a chair to do online dating. Or have me see a therapist on possibly being a lesbian.

I end up on what is probably a limo, and totally regret drinking that tea. This going to be a long ride.

~16 hrs later~

IT'S BEEN TOO LONG SINCE I'VE USED THE BATHROOM! I have NO idea where the heck I am! And I have I giant headache because my mom hasn't shut up since we got into the car. The position I'm in, in the limo hasn't helped me sleep either. And I think I'm going to start losing air in this sack.

"Mrs. Fiore, we've arrived."


"Okay! Carry Magnolia into the office while I go to the bathroom."


Moments later I'm on a couch in what I could assume is the office. And BOY is this bag drafty! Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumb finally get the bag off me. And I get a random flash an anger and rip the tape off my mouth. OWW! But I can't reveal the pain to the three strangers before me. Two of which that seem to have regret treating me like a sack of potatoes when carrying me around.

"You must be Mary's lovely daughter."

I can't help but be completely out of energy. I'M TIRED OF THESE GAMES! If my mom won't be the adult, I might as well be. "Can you please, just tell me what's going on?"

"You are going to be the next Bachelorette."


"Honey, this is for your own good." My mother says as she walks into the room.

"You mean YOUR own good?! Because this is certainly NOT what I want to do!" I can't help but yell, completely frustrated. Why must this be my life.

"It's too late I already signed the contract. Now I am leaving you here and I BETTER not see your face until your engaged!" She says and walks out with Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dumb following after her.

"I'm Chris Harrison, the host. You don't need to worry. This is a safe environment. All you need to do is tell my team of specialist what you want in a man, and we'll find some matches with those exact descriptions and more. There's no use making a fuss when your already on the show. Having you as a sort of 'Celebrity Bachelorette' will get us great ratings and in return, you get the guy of your dreams and live happily ever after. All you need to do for us really is cooperate, and we'll make something that you've always wanted happen for you. Gaining a lifelong partner."

If this was such a safe environment, then, they wouldn't get tempted by my mother's money. But I guess this is my chance to find someone that loves me... or sue the show for forcing me to be here. I like the second one better.

"...Okay, I'll do the show Mr. Harrison," I say slowly.

"Fantastic! I'll have someone get the team and then, your mother has given you and budget and a stylist to go shopping." He says with a gracious smile.

"Alright. But first..." I grab the newspaper on his desk. "I have to take care of some business, so please direct me to the nearest bathroom before I pee on your nice carpet."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2016 ⏰

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