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"You're a piece of shit for that!" He said stripping the banana peel from his hat.

"Aww i'm your piece of shit," I gushed, pulling him in for a hug.

Tyler was my best friend. We met when I was a freshman and he was a junior, he seemed old at the time, but age doesn't make us any less crazy. Me and Tyler are the "Power Couple" of the school even though we are just a badass pair of dudes.

"Freezies after school?"

"Youuuuu know it," I winked at him. He gave me a cheesy smile and walked away ever-so awkwardly. We were awkward.

For best friends you would expect us to tell each other everything, but perhaps it was the opposite. We barely talked about feelings and deep shit, we only goofed off and talked shit. Even though I wish me and him could open up more, it would make me feel strange.

I walked to my fifth period art class, which i have to say is my favorite class and took a seat and my favorite stool in the back.

"What's good?!" Nicole said as soon as she saw me.

"Nothin much, what's good with you?"

She laughed.

"Tyler asked me to Homecoming!"

What tf when did this happen? Me and Tyler were supposed to go together.

"Oh my god I am so happy for you!!" I cheered dramatically.

She gave me a weird look.

"You were supposed to go with Tyler, weren't you?" I looked down at my swinging feet.

"Pshhh noooooo" I said brushing it off.


Sixth period, my mind was clouded. I didn't like Tyler did I? I mean we have been friends for so long and I just thought that we would go as friends to hoco. No big deal, right?

"Hellooo pretty lady!" Tyler sung making his way over to me.

"Hey ugly," I said back in an unimpressed tone.


I laughed at his comment and proceeded walking to the front of the school.

"Baby girl, you walking so fast?"

"Don't baby girl me Tyler."

Did he seriously not get why I was upset?


"Tyler if you don't shut the fuck up..." I said harshly making him take a step back.

"Winn come on you really gonna be that way?"

"What way, Tyler?" I snapped, "You fucking asked Nicole to homecoming when I thought we were going!"


"Yeah, oh!"

He looked at me blinking a few times, trying to think of what to say.

"Why you even mad for, you like Taco?"

"Yeah I do, but that doesn't mean I would go to homecoming with him." I explained

"Well I thought you would ask him since you talk so much about him, my fault I guess."

"It's okay i'm not mad anymore we can still be buddies," I giggled.

"Who you gonna go with then?"

"No one."

"Independent, that's what I like about you Win."

"Clueless, that's what I hate about you Ty," I whispered as he walked in front of me, carrying me along.

When we reached Clementines we both ordered a large strawberry and banana freezie. We go to Clementines whenever we get a chance. There is always funky music and cool people there.

"Mmm I haven't had one since Wednesday!" Tyler clapped.

"That was two days ago kid, what do you mean?" I laughed taking his dad hat and putting it on my head.

"Oh what a cutie, wearing daddy's hat," He cooed.

"Ew Tyler what the actual fuck!"

Tyler just chuckled and took back his hat. He always said weird shit like that, but it meant he knew how to be himself around me. Still fucking gross tho.

"So who you gonna go with really?" he asked.

"I already told you i'm going by myself the fuck you mean?"

"Yeah, but there's so many guys that would kill to go with you!"

"Nah, maybe Mark might be down," I say remembering that me and Mark were once friends.

"Wth, Mark?" Tyler paused, "that nigga sus!"

"Shut up Tyler, you just mad cause you already said yes to Nicole; you gonna be missing out!"

"Fuck you bitch."

"Yeah fuck you too."

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