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The Kiryu family have been hunters for many generations as have been a  strong one at that, as of this moment though the Kiryu family now had a  pair of twin boys and a young girl.

The twins - Zero and Ichiru  Kiryu were the oldest, while the youngest was Akito Kiryu who was their  little sister. The twins loved their little sister deeply and wanted  nothing more then to protect her from just about everything.

"Zero! Ichiru!" Akito shouted.

The  twins smiled at one another as the voice of their beloved little sister  reached their ears, they both turned around as she ran towards them,  holding out their arms towards her Akito had jumped into them with a  giggle.

"Big brothers!" Akito cheered.

"Hey Akito!" Ichiru smiled.

"Your always happy to see us." Zero smiled.

"Because I love my big brothers very much!" Akito smiled back at them.

"You sure love them a lot don't you dear?" Their father laughed.

"Of course I do daddy!, Zero and Ichiru are the best!" Akito smiled.

Both  twins smiled and held one of Akito's hands in one of there's. Akito was  the twins world and their light, it was just something about her smile  that washed away anything that they worried about.

As the day went by  that the kids were with their teacher Toga Yagar for some training a  single pure blood vampire was watching the kids from afar, soon sensing  it Zero looked to his side and then decided to bring his siblings back  home quickly.

"Let's go." Zero told

"Eh? Why?" Ichiru asked.

"Yeah! Why big brother?" Akito asked.

"Let's just go home." Zero sighed.

Both  Ichiru and Akito looked at one another but shrugged their shoulders,  grabbing one of her brothers hands in each of hers they started to walk  back home together. But just a little bit after a few cherry blossom  pedals flew in front of them.

"Eh? Cherry blossoms?" Akito asked.

"Is it that season already?" Ichiru asked.

"No." Zero shook his head.

Turning  around the three had soon matched their gaze on the same female vampire  that Zero had sensed before, she too locked gazes with the three Kiryu  siblings but still didn't say a word to them. Ichiru was actually  surprised by her beauty but soon Akito could feel that the women was  indeed a vampire.

Considering she was the youngest and still learning  the ways of a hunter she held on to her brothers a bit more and shook,  it still bothered her that she had to hunt these beasts but then again  Akito knew that her fear of vampires would need to be over come soon so  she would be able to hunt them.

Zero by then had lead his siblings  back home and the three decided to rest and chat for the mean time,  mostly the three spent their time together like that when they weren't  sent to go train. Akito as of this moment didn't want to sleep alone so  she stayed with her brothers until the moment she had fallen asleep  between them. Feeling safe between her two favorite people in the world.

"Time for bed you two." Their mother came in

"Looks like she sneaked in to be with you boys huh?" She asked.

"It's okay mother, we will take care of her." Zero told.

"Yeah she seems at ease with us." Ichiru added.

Kiryu Vampire HuntersWhere stories live. Discover now