Chapter 1

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Four Years Later...

Zero groaned as his phone resting on his night stand ringed with the time of when he was supposed to always get up, sighing now the seventeen year old turned off the alarm, took a shower then got dressed before making breakfast for him and his little sister.

For the past four years the two of them worked for quite a while until they had enough money to get their own place, it wasn't much just a place where they could sleep and live at.

Sighing he finally heard Akito waking up as she yawned entering the somewhat like kitchen.

"Nii-san your up already?" She asked.

"Yeah I'm cooking us breakfast, wash up and it will be ready soon." Zero told.

Nodding her head she tiredly went to the bathroom to hopefully wake up, Zero frowned as he kind of missed his sister's old personality. But then again with what they went through he didn't blame her.

Over the years Akito grew cold towards others and would bluntly point out a few flaws someone either had or couldn't see in either their plans or what they were doing in the moment.

Her once shinning lavender eyes grew cold and darker, nothing of the girl she was now was anything like the girl she used to be before. Even more changes in her was that she was no longer afraid of the vampires and could actually carry a weapon without fearing to hurt someone.

Now to comment on their blood lust they either held back with one another there, or they did that alone. But not once did they ever drink blood from any humans at all. If Akito had a blood lust in public Zero would bring her either to an alley or rush her out of a high populated area and hugged her close. It went the other way around for Zero if he had his as well.

After a few minutes Zero had placed the food on two plates and just in time his little sister Akito walked in, she wore a black long sleeve shirt that was rolled up to her elbows and some black short-shorts.

Drying her long silver hair with a towel she sighed as she walked in, slightly smiling at the smell of her brothers cooking she hummed as she let the towel rest over her shoulders and grabbed out some juice, sighing she poured herself some and a cup for her brother.

"Any work today?" Akito asked.

"Not that I know of yet, but we could go looking." Zero suggested.

"Seems fair enough." Akito nodded.

Since these two worked for the Hunters Association they would sometimes get some missions to go on for whatever was given for them to hunt down a vampire whom was on the hunters list.

Though without the Hunters Association knowing during this time the Kiryu siblings had taken some of the time to search for Ichiru. But had failed each time, slowly they started to believe that he was dead by now and it hurt them a lot.

"Do you think we will ever find him..." Akito asked.

"If he's out there then we will." Zero told her.

Nodding Akito started to eat her food in silence, she couldn't bring herself to hate Ichiru even when he let Shizuka in to get her revenge and then leave with her, she wanted to hate him but her love for her brother over came that and so she just couldn't bring herself to.

Akito may seem cold but her family still means the world to her even if the events of four years ago happened.

During their silent breakfast meal the two looked over reports that were given to them, apparently the two of them were tired from a hunt one night and left them there to read later.

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