The Tuesday To Ruin All Tuesdays

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It was a Tuesday afternoon. I was home alone, because my sister was with her boyfriend and my parents brought my brother with them to New Orleans , which is about a hour away from were I live. As soon as my family left, I decided to take a shower. After my shower, I was too lazy to put on clothes and I thought a towel would suffice, considering I was going to be alone all day. I was lounging on my bed reading some Harry Potter fan fiction on my phone. I heard a few knocks on my front door. I ignored them thinking they would go away. They didn't. The person wouldn't stop knocking. The knocked continuously for about 20 minutes before I had had enough. I got up, put on a robe, and seal crawled to the window by my front door. I peeked between the blinds and saw a group of people, 2 men and 3 women. They were wearing casual clothing and nothing seem out of the ordinary, except for the pamphlets they were carrying, I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't read what they said. Just as they turned to leave one of the women caught my eye. She smiled and went to knock on the door. I was kind of creeped out. Why didn't they get the hint that I didn't want to talk to them? I sighed, defeated, and opened the door. They all smiled at me with ,obviously, fake and creepy smiles. The woman who caught my eye proceeded to hand me a pamphlet and said,

"Would you like to know about our lord and savior, Jesus Christ?"

Why won't they go away? I'm alone and I don't want to answer the door.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon